blindi wasted?

blindi smoking weed :P

image: 180158_1655496104632_1153960782_31518155_6868580_n

what are you doing tonight? going to club?

danza kudoraa!

and OFC!


image: karhu-olut

and im not doing shit because clubs suck and bar is closed
take some bears and play ET :) like ensam :)
Playing baserace
Altsi you just saved my boring saturday evening, gonna smake some waterpipe as well now ;)
start typing like retards and say "i'm drunk" <iwanttobelieve.jpg>
now I can say he is high.
out of hookah good plan
type gravity bong in youtube and try to stay alive
was he once outside his flat and breathed 2 times normal air and got insta flashed?
ugly sad nerds try to impress on other ugly sad nerds, what is happening to this world
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