Maping support?

A guy i know built a map for our server but needs some help with bugfixing (doors open in a strange fashion, how to hide the "hand" icon close to a door that you can NOT open, stuff like that).
unfortunately i dont have any clue 'bout that. where should i send him for that kinda stuff? splashdamage forums?

e: inspired by gemb
if a "known mapper" reads this could you please answer the two questions i can think of

- why do doors open in a strange fashion? when its closed it looks fine but it doesnt open the way you would expect a door to open.

- how to hide the "hand" icon close to a door that you can NOT open?
whether splashdamage forums or ask a known mapper
those are basics, I recommend him following a tutorial before starting to mess around in radiant the answer is probably in the create door section ;p
well as far as i can see he has worked out quite a lot.
a really nice looking map so far.
image: 2011-01-14-203653-telemark
image: 2011-01-14-203734-telemark
image: 2011-01-14-203816-telemark
that looks really nice
thought the same.
but its more of a map for our 40+ slots NQ servers than for wars.
good luck with that :-)
nq :<
But gimme ip of the server, I wanna play on that map :D
bugfixing first. then we will put it in the cycle.
good work men!
with rotating doors select the origin brush and press N to change the direction of the rotation !
connect now to first one :) havent seen a download bar in ET for a loooong time hehe
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