petrol for 30 cent per litre soon?

sounds somehow unbelievable.. but maybe the redemption for all drivers will be here to enlighten us in the next years?!

main article is in german

KOPP EXCLUSIVE: Cheap developed environmentally friendly fuel - Why do politicians are appalled
Andreas Vogt v. Retyi and Niki

It sounds almost unbelievable: Internationally renowned scientists have developed in a collaboration of several universities a new fuel that is environmentally friendly and inexpensive. Since 2007, there was the secret scientific project that was funded by a large company. Now there is this fuel actually. Even better, the engines of existing vehicles do not need to be upgraded. And a liter costs less than 30 cents. The combustion are no greenhouse gases. More environmentally friendly than the new fuel - that's not easy. But therein lies the problem: The EU policy is to prevent the production, because otherwise you will break all over Europe, those billions of tax revenue away, which they cashed with regard to climate protection for motorists. Not only at the World Economic Forum in Davos was the newly developed fuel under the really important participants of the main topics of conversation, which caused considerable concern, behind closed doors. In press releases, as there was nothing like this to read. The public should learn not know what you're trying to avoid.

The way to the gas station for many commuters and frequent travelers almost a "walk to Canossa", because the prices of petrol and diesel rise seems unstoppable. By as much as 35 percent oil and gasoline in the past twelve months have become more expensive. So far, the consumer dictates the price of oil markets were helpless. But long faces at the pumps could soon be a thing of the past. Because a company has had many years of secret research on the same number of universities to a technology that could trigger the end of the oily mess. The new fuel should be already fully available in three years. Then would the motorized world supposedly totally independent of fossil fuel resources. In addition to environmental friendliness and low price comes from vehicle manufacturers, especially the message that the new fuel requires no retrofitting of existing engines, in disbelief. And the airline industry is listening: With a few modifications to the engines could be the new fuel, kerosene or mixed with kerosene-based JP-8 and other aviation fuels to reduce harmful emissions from aviation.

Secret investigations had already begun the 2007th The new product offers mass per unit three times the energy output of crude oil. It is produced by burning any greenhouse gases. A full tank would last for 450 to 600 kilometers. And when the new fuel price per liter, an amount of less than 30 cents is called. There is only one drawback: the tax. Actually, governments must make the new fuel untaxed, because they want to supposedly reduce the greenhouse gases. Most of all, it would be the politicians, if any oil producer would be buying up the development and disappear. Thus one has the so previously regulated. But the company has come up with the new fuel patented long ago - and now wants to sell the patent for anything in the world. It does exactly what the policy is set: They want to protect the environment and reduce costs drastically. Now it gets serious: The big car manufacturers will test the product in the coming months in secret. It has long been settled. The aerospace industry is looking forward.

But how exactly does the "magic bullet" that can normally fill up without modification? What are the basic components of the new fuel? Who wrote it? Who funded the development? And why the policy trembles with this development? And how will it continue?

The full text of this article you read in the current issue of the background information service KOPP Exclusive.

this is really discussworthy :)
tl;dr but 30 cents per litre is awesome :)
Remarkable how there are no actual facts in that article.
Ente imo
cant believe it and even if its true do you think oil companies will allow that? :p keep dreaming
never going to happen
nice dreams
already buying diesel at this price
Hört sich wie ne Ente an...

First of all i somehow doubt that EU is worried about it...
30c per liter is still the price, that gasstations buy it for and in addition to that they will put lots of taxes on it.
Currently the price for one litre of gas is not astronomically high as well afaik.
Most of the price is taxes..

And then i dont get that part of "environmentally friendly"...
Why was the way that governments were choosing to just raise the price to make people drive less and save the environment, rather than put some money in fuel research to profit longterm from it? People will drive more, car industry will profit,...
you could have translated everything noob!
QuoteHört sich wie ne Ente an...

QuoteSounds like a duck...
oh noes, dont wanna have warning points :((((

how should i know that the word Zeitungsente in german really has the same meaning as duck in english?
it doesn't :D:D:D:D:D:D:DD

fail troll

and if so the hungry will die and the rich will be hungry
That's bullshit.
impossible but I'd be pleasantly surprised if one day 1l of petrol cost only 30 cents:)
Middle Eastern oil sheiks will survive without selling oil. They demand prices per barrol, pay it or leave.
it could be true actually... why u ppl think we dont drive hydrogen cars yet, if whole technology is almost perfect?

$$$$$$$$$$ is the anwser
Blame your goverment for the price, 1,5€ here atm, 75% of it is tax.

Besides, that article is so bs that I can´t even understand why you posted it.
exactly what i was saying...
its not much cheaper than normal petrol.
Maybe its worth way less but who would be dumb and not place yourself further than just a little below the common pricing.
in France, 1.28 for gazole ! ITS A SHAME !
1,28 would feel like heaven here nowadays, I guess we crossed that point around 07/08...
for gazole or super?
Whats the difference? 95oct little bit cheaper, 98oct few cents more.
there is gazole (cheaper) and super ! 95 & 98

98=1.50 (around)
Hmm, I guess we only have super (95E10 & 98) here. And diesel ofc, that is around 1,30€/l.
buaahahahaha,taken from the website of the KOPP Verlag xD
Good job my dear friend,just a hint: read the wikipedia article of "kopp verlag"
absolute bullshit in it,no clue of science at all
unlimited fuel but no CO2?
I'd like to see our otto-engines doing that xD
well alcohol costs about the same and is good for the enviroment aswell, though the engines have to be modified : ( but the oil companies have so much power that it's not going to happen
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