
sup crossfire?

now palying:

All Hail Blackie.

next song in mah playlist:

best song on this playlist:

This song never gets old.

Have a nice day faggots
gl Terva
trolled hehe :D
wow wintersun....what a nostalgic song somehow, i used to listen to it 24/7 and bragging about it with nocti/antti...
too bad antti killed himself though
Arguing about metal/heavy/progressive with nocti = insta fail :)
No vittu päivää. Vartti töitä, hou hou mou!
And again Frop delivers. <3.
Finland http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arAkTYsfbTs

QuoteI remember the first time I heard this song. I heard great things about it, so I put the entire song on my ipod, rolled a joint, and walked into the dark woods near my house. I came back from that walk changed forever. During this portion, I imagined a bunch of wizards summoning an enormous stormfiend to do their bidding, but the electrical stormfiend did not obey them and they had to battle it.
Beautiful Death :))
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