vstr request

need a script that allows me to switch with mouse2 through drawgun 1 and 0.
can someone write it down? would be appreciated

(if u really want to know why i need it, drawgun1 for long distance and 0 for close)
explain? it is retarded... because mouse 1 = shoot...
I shoot with space and jump with mouse1.
drawgun 0 when he shoot i think,

like low sensi while shooting and higher sens when not shooting etc or remove hud while shooting :)
that's interesting, would like to see specially a luger action with that. + vstr is a function that starts with on keypress and ends with it not a function that allows u to do 2 thingslike javascript while pressed like onclick event and onrelease event.
kinda like flash scripts. any ideas tho? flR bind wrote down doesn't work
what i explained, in ET u need external program to do what i think u want to do. Flash and javascript like scripts unfortunatelly are not possible.
he just did what you asked for, but it was not apparently what you wanted
it had a little typo but i fixed, it works

( " instead of ; )
i know, if i remember there was smth for what i wrote before about low & high sens, a friend was searching/using it.

but its useless imo
bind mouse1 "+vstr attack1 attack2"
set attack1 "+attack; cg_drawgun 0"
set attack2 "-attack; cg_drawgun 1"
tested, works
bind MOUSE1 "vstr gun"
set gun vstr draw
set draw "cg_drawgun 0; set gun vstr draw1"
set draw1 "cg_drawgun 1" set gun vstr draw"
thank you man, greetz
sounds useful
mind your businness ;) i need it
im special boy
the fuck :D
just to switch? lol
bind mouse2 "toggle cg_drawgun"
official smartest guy in the thread seal of approval
set fov90 "cg_fov 90;cg_drawgun 0;sensitivity 2;set switch_fov vstr fov110"
set fov110 "cg_fov 110;sensitivity 2.2;cg_drawgun 1;set switch_fov vstr fov90"
set switch_fov "vstr fov90"
bind mouse2 "vstr switch_fov"
no thanks, i dont need to change anything, just toggle the gun
interesting theories
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