Need Every fpsthings

Yo guys, im at the army, on a fucking small Netbook and i got 25-35 FPS my ping is pretty ok for a Internetstick but i need better fps can someone send me some FPScommands for my config to get the fps higher?
I got the commands in (Options>System) all on the lowest niveau and playing im with
r_mode 4 allready..

image: 169030_188930224461883_100000347207067_534353_378504_n
mAurice & MG 3 :DD
Take sheep's config,
problem solved.
et in army?

in germany they can do whatever they want in their freetime
modus.cfg with rmode 4
lol, et on a netbook processor, good luck with that D:
lol, et on a 10" screen, good luck with that D:

e: haha, ur one of the last that has to go to the army, haha
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