Console Games Advice

So. I barely play my xbox, and haven't much since I bought it 2/3 years ago. I thought I'd like to give some of the SP games a chance, and am therefore asking for your advice..

What games (SP preferred, multiplayer also appreciated though!) have you particularly enjoyed over the last few years; past and present? I'm open to most games, normally favouring FPS/RPG, although sports and anything else are also worth a try..

Thinking of trying some of these:

Dead Space (1)
Final Fantasy
Dragon Age: Origins
Red Dead Redemption

+Possibly getting fifa 2011..

Much love
FPS/RPG sounds like Fallout
Out of interest, did you play Morrowind?
Cliff racers still haunt my dreams.
Lol :D. Such a brilliant game.
Dead Space (2) + all those you mention
actually I kinda enjoyed... halo 3 :P bought odst, but haven't played it yet
Red Dead... immense game man... immense. Add me... MYSTLC.
put borderlands out of there

take GTA4 and Mafia 2 in
Wolfenstein 2009, obviously. More seriously, Mass Effect.
Try the Demo of NFL 11,if you like it,buy it.
It's really good and if you enjoy playing football then it's awesome.
Tho you'll need some time to fully understand the control,it's harder to learn then FIFA.
mass effect, jade empire 1 and 2 (i wish i could play JE2, but its not on pc and i sold my xbox)
I'm playing dead space at the moment and its pretty nice, the camera takes a while getting used to tho
Dead Space 1 & 2
Resident Evil 5
Devil May Cry 4
Mass Effect 1 & 2
Mirrors Edge
Assassins Creed 1 & 2 & Brotherhood
The Saboteur
Final Fantasy XIII
Lost Odyssey
Prince of Persia
Dead Rising 1 & 2
BioShock 1 & 2
Lost Planet 1 & 2
Gears of War 1 & 2
Tomb raider Underworld
Red Dead Redemption
Alan Wake
Thanks people.
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