Say what

image: lagometerfps

Screenshots taken on the same server, within the same minute. How's that even possible?
bleh bluh blah

e: whats not clear, use 40 fps
play with 40 fps
333 fps or gtfo
If I am right of whats going on with u, then it should be that u getting this drops. Say going from 125 fps to 35 or 40 fps where u feel really fps laggy and you barely move fluently.

Dunno how to fix it, dunno if its slac or any other shit.
because the number of packets transmitted is related to your fps
I don't see the picture(s) oO
It is because of maxpackets being synced with FPS.
For 125FPS 125 maxpackets would be ideal - however, if values that high are not possible, 63 would be second-best.
1 packet per 1 frame = least lag and stablest lagometer, try com_maxfps 100 for amusement and see how the lagometer is completely smooth.

Of course we will never get such functionality because most (read: all) admins haven't got a clue of the technical side of this game. For example in Q3 (or at least CPMA) they allow maxpackets 125 to my understanding, which is like the bestest.
you didnt make it into so su
I've never applied to any
what prevents one from using com_maxfps 100 anyways?
It doesn't give as large boost to jump distance as 125 does, and pmove_fixed 1 is bugged with weapons that have recoil (e.g. pistol)
that means you can use the smg with pmove_fixed 1 ?
Well, as far as I'm aware the pmove_fixed accuracy loss only concerns weapons with recoil. The shot lands a bit above of what you aimed at or something.

However I'm not completely sure. Go ahead and try.
Isnt it also forced in QL ? I know its allowed at least, but yeh, never understood why they dont do that for ET >_>

I once suggested it to donex btw xD
I dunno, I've never really played Quake Live that much and this cpma information is just coming from an internet acquintance who plays it.
I got com_maxfps "76" and I tried to set cl_maxpackets "76" and it kinda feel better and smother but I got cvarbackups telling me I cannot set that at 76.

Any clue?
Obviously, because back in 2006 or 2007 some retarded idiot in Clanbase had the idea to force maxpackets to 100 to "make people less unhit". Ironically enough a poorly "synced" connection (i.e. maxpackets and FPS are not evenly divisable) could make people lag and be 'unhit' even more.

Removing this from the server configs would fix the problem:
command "sv_cvar cl_maxpackets EQ 100"
maxfps 40 = maxpackets 40
the game might be quite old but its still full of mystery *_*
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