Talented youtubers.
9 Feb 2011, 18:37
Sup cf,
Now and then i just check some random video's on youtube and sometimes you find some pretty talented guys or girls on there.
for example this guy who wrote his own song on guitar and with his own vocals.
pretty talented in my opinion!
share your vids. <3
Now and then i just check some random video's on youtube and sometimes you find some pretty talented guys or girls on there.
for example this guy who wrote his own song on guitar and with his own vocals.
pretty talented in my opinion!
share your vids. <3
He's very talented, Justin just got a immature voice.
and thats why he cant be famous!
Though I wonder Justin Bieber's way is what boys his age really want.
Sure it's cool being famous and all but I'd rather be myself and live my own life than being followed by the media and being forced into some though spots by record companies etc.
i'd say every teenager would want to be like him really...
When I was this talented I'd so prefer going out camping with friends and sitting around the campfire playing and singing songs over living Bieber's life.
It must be a great experience getting famous but care not to loose yourself in the process.
I would have liked him if he hadn't started acting so faggish & hadn't started making shit songs like Baby etc, but instead play songs like this
Ukulele guy, awesome as fuck