1944 Warsaw!!!

flame incoming
Good shit.
lol cool :)

but 1920 > 1944 imo
Nice little Polish myth, almost as good as ours about Polish cavalry attacking Tanks with sabres and lances.
There is a story, about your mum "How to not lose a virginity and adopt a son"
Expected comment.

Face it, it's an untrue myth.
Wizna is no myth...

tbh germans had even bigger advantage, and couldnt take few bunkers for 3 days... how lame have u be to fail so hard?
Exactly that's the problem.
The Polish Army was beaten easily on every other front sector and the Wehrmacht was unable to take a line of small bunkers? That doesn't make any sense.
A single wing of Junkers Ju 87(Stukas) could've destroyed those bunkers with ease, that's what they were made for. And the Poles had no AA guns either. But in no source planes are even mentioned. Neither are tanks, which could be explained through the destruction of the bridges on the Narew though.
So either the bunkers were attacked by infantry only which really doesn't provide much of a threat to entrenched troops or it's grossly exaggerated to a myth by the Poles. I'd go with the latter.
Understandable in wartimes for motivational purposes but that's over now and it's time to face the truth.
Yeah, face the truth, you are a moron, that's all.
Again, expected comment.

If you haven't any arguments to bring forward, shut the ugly thing you pour vodka in.
Wow you totally won this discussion by providing a Wikipedia link.
Wow, you totally lost this discussion by being a dumb mongol.
A 21-year-old unable to argue in the simplest fashion is truely a sad sight.
Muuuuuuum! You are such a smart guy, I bet one of your male parents is proud of you!
providing wiki quotes is better? dumb fuck
I had to use wikipedia since there's not a single proper English or German source even caring about that battle. Because it's plainly totally irrelevant. I nevertheless was trying to provide quotes from the source I could use.
He on the other hand simply linked me to a site which I was obviously already using, not even narrowing down his point.

But I guess it's kind of senseless to discuss history with Poles since you apparently still suffer from an, admittedly understandable, inferiority complex.
ye that must be it, thats why u ignore history books, and articles based on them
You do realise that every dumb fucker can write into Wikipedia anything he wants to? That's why it's not accepted as a reliable source in school. Granted you're from Poland, that could be different.
so why u used it?
QuoteI had to use wikipedia since there's not a single proper English or German source even caring about that battle. Because it's plainly totally irrelevant. I nevertheless was trying to provide quotes from the source I could use.[/u]

QuoteI had to use wikipedia since there's not a single proper English or German source even caring about that battle. Because it's plainly totally irrelevant. I nevertheless was trying to provide quotes from the source I could use.[/u]

QuoteI had to use wikipedia since there's not a single proper English or German source even caring about that battle. Because it's plainly totally irrelevant. I nevertheless was trying to provide quotes from the source I could use.[/u]

QuoteI had to use wikipedia since there's not a single proper English or German source even caring about that battle. Because it's plainly totally irrelevant. I nevertheless was trying to provide quotes from the source I could use.[/u]

QuoteI had to use wikipedia since there's not a single proper English or German source even caring about that battle. Because it's plainly totally irrelevant. I nevertheless was trying to provide quotes from the source I could use.[/u]
so u cant provide any trust worthy materials on this topic? how sad...
what about you quoted wikipedia first?
What I said to Grit above.
one thing: when polish army was easly beaten by wermacht? cause we were doing quite fine, delaying u as much as possible [that was the plan, we counted on france and england to join in quickly] ... the problems started when CCCP bacraped us...

maybe its you who lives in a myth of mighty german army?... even ur WWII generals were quite impressed by polish resistance, the guy who led westerplatte assult said he could conquer whole world with german wartech and poles as soldiers...

edit: ow and almost every source mention about tanks and air support on nazis side
Excuse me? By the time Russia attacked your defense was already broken. You delayed us for a full 17 days, formidable performance.

QuotePolish forces abandoned the regions of Pomerelia (the Polish Corridor), Greater Poland and Polish Upper Silesia in the first week. The Polish plan for border defence was proven a dismal failure. The German advance[/b] as a whole was not slowed.[/b]

QuoteSoviet forces attacked Poland on 17 September[/b]. It was agreed that the USSR would relinquish its interest in the territories between the new border and Warsaw in exchange for inclusion of Lithuania in the Soviet "zone of interest".
By 17 September 1939, the Polish defence was already broken.[/b]

Show me a source telling of the actual deployment of tanks and aircraft. I'm talking of attacks with tanks and aircraft, not of tanks being trapped on the other side of the Narew.
And while you're at it, show me a source for what that German general said.
60 divisions,
6 brigades,
9,000 guns,
2,750 tanks,
2,315 aircraft

39 divisions (some of them were never fully mobilized and concentrated)
16 brigades
4,300 guns
880 tanks,
400 aircraft

17 days... and u dare to say germans were not delayed?


cant find the quote now, but its true as i've seen it in my history book... poles dont fake history, unlike some other countries
What did I tell you? Do you understand English? Provide me sources of the actual deployment not whether those troops have been simply nearby. The tanks were unable to intervene till the 9th of September as even your link states because the bridges have been blown up. After they attacked, the bunkers were taken.
After the 9th of September the remaining bunkers were isolated, meaning the Germans could simply bypass them. Those remnants were mopped up till the 10th of September. Do you even read your own links? That means you basically didn't hold the German advance for not even a full day, since the German attack started in the morning of the 9th September.
QuoteBy early morning of September 9 his[Guderian's] units reached the Wizna area.

QuoteHowever, at 6 o'clock in the evening the infantry was forced to abandon the trenches and field fortifications and retreat into the bunkers. The German tanks could finally cross the Polish lines and advance towards Tykocin and Zambrów.

QuoteHeavy fights for each of the—now isolated—bunkers continued.

And yes, I totally believe you now that you've stated it's written in a Polish history book, which I already doubt, and that Poles don't fake history.
We've showed respect towards you that's true, your commanding officer at the Battle of Westerplatte was allowed to keep his sabre.

And 17 days of delay? That's nothing if you know how fast an army could actually advance in those days.
ever heard of blitzkrieg? :D nazis needed only 8 days more to conquer France, when the forces were equal...

image: 16409-8072601d84074d0
I will stop replying to you after this because simply don't know anything about military history or even history at all.

You can't compare the Invasion of France to the Invasion of Poland, since there are more factors than numerical equality.
We had more aircraft, better overall equipment and a bulk of Allied troops was concentrated on the Maginot line, who weren't involved in actual fighting since we simply bypassed them. Another bulk was evacuated in Dunkirk.
We didn't even conquer the whole of France since that wasn't necessary. Take the North of France, especially Paris and you've won.
u didnt take whole poland aswell, cause russians took second half...

ur just blinded by ur nazi belives... to say it other way: U SUCK I RULE

its nice to pwn nazi like my grandpa did
looks like you didnt read all about war in pl in wikipedia.
read this and try to understand why Russians backraped our whole plan.
pointless to talk with him... i bet his grandfather was real nazist
Indeed I didn't know this but still this was a backup plan and not the intented strategy from the beginning on. What we know though is, that the Polish troops were already broken, at least partly.
Since it never came into action we simply don't know what could've happened. We could've crushed that defense in days or you could've withstood us for two weeks, we can't know it.
well thats way every single day of slowing german army was so important. rest of our army + romanians would be rly difficult to crush(+ area near romania wasnt so important to nazis).
He has to be mentally retarded.
yerman after all... bet hes from east germany and stuff
sabaton are awesome
+1 for White Death, although Screaming Eagles is a fucking great song too.
i bet if you film there now, it still looks like 1944 :)
bet lost :)
Poland well, ur running behind man..
bet lost, dipshit
german.. the same

loving their own country, for what?
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