schnee's lunch time journal v1

Hey peeepz,

Time for a journal i guess =)
So my bday is over not feeling older or w/e. had really good time got some nice presents from my best friends and also a lot of wishes (also from cf ppl) and im proud to have so many lovely friends in my life 
I want to believe its spring soon cause the sun is shining but it is so cold that I will go on vacation in march (hopefully, dunno how and with who but I want :x)

So questions of the day:
For which captains did you vote for oh ALLSTARS? Snuble, xylos, kot and gifty! Vote for this guys!
Do u have favorite offline games? Poker & activity!

Lykke li will bring out new album soon before i will see her live in april

Song2 :
The xx are awesome and i love this combi

pic :image: m7yrb2hsoyf8

Shoutout2 my buddies, my atzen, flooo, dialer, this british guy and snuble =)
jason says hi to schneeee
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii =)
pics will come pics will come pics will come :(
... . .. . . . :)
fuck me, is that morse?
hehehe nah just speechless but its okay no hurry :)
I'll take pics this summer cuz it'll look a lot better :D

edit: aaaaand I just realized that by saying this the fantasy of the teens here must go wild by now what this is all about.
will wait for it. pics in the sun looks nice i guess

rumours ronner!!!! its all about ;)
No, they don't.
the pics or the fantasies?
They don't go wild.
its not NC but allstars :)

yea weather is awesome over 10C in february :) sun is making me smile and everyone is much more friendly now.

i voted for xylos snuble kot and sqzz
sun is making me smile and everyone is much more friendly now.

aight :)

Weather: Warm, Clear sky, perfect for Basketball.

Voted: Ensam, Clown, Xylos and sqzz

Activity is good, always dying of laughter =)
activity is rly awesome had it with sex questions. it was rly funny to see how some explain sex stuff :pp
See, if u gave me that award i won @ OsS radio i would have voted you =)
lol.. OsS radio.. thats a loooong time ago:)

what did you win?
I was so long ago that i dont remember, but i won!
great success!
Voted: Slajdan, Clown, sqzz and prolly frozz

Basketball, volleyball, handball.
lol where to vote?
Cant remember votes, except obvious for north, didnt understand why I should even vote for other than north.
same, didn't understand why I should even vote for north south and east when I am livin in west, so I didn't vote at all. :P
hey I recognized that you are just 8 days older then me^^ :P old granny ^^
weather is ok, cold but sometimes the sun shines. Anyway when you are working the whole day it is not that important^^ Can't wait for tomorrow when it goes back to Brandenburg to visit my old home.

voted for gifty, clown, snuble and xylos.
hope that it will be much warmer soon to play beach volleyball again

song: introduced by johnny Depp (oh long ago^^
haha fuck u

but u did it good with johnny ;)
and btw you turn faster 30 then me :P :D

Something special happens in Berlin at saturday? Maybe I will visit a friend...
i do not care about age cause im still young ;)

will be here i guess:
Why every women at our age says that?!^^ maybe some kind of obliterating the thought of getting older?^^ the burlesque thingie looks interesting as i like the swing sounds but i don't like it that much with baseline and the newer sounds^^ But thanks for the tip!

work calls now...wish u a pleasant day ;)
ehehehe nah i am maybe still too young in my head ;)
have a nice day 2 :)
maybe.... ;) the only thing i care of concerning my age is the point that i will have to sweep the stairs of the town hall when turning 30

one more music link (maybe u like that more then NiN) it helps me get into the flow at work^^
ensam clown tox gifty
fav. offline games are all zelda & final fantasy ones
best activities are sauna with girls ,football, volleyball & men's fitness.
poker = win!!
#mv-poker !
-17 & sunny
red alert 2
voted only for myself
-17° thats cold!!!! still!!!
-25 atm, morning -29... Face looked funny when I got to work, eyebrowns, beard & woollycap etc were totally frosted :)
this is rly cold i cannot imagine how i would look like. i dont have so warm clothes imo ;)
Red Alert 2 <3
good day. chilling in my flat, roommate went home :)

paly hmmmm... nothing really. have other things to do

I'm waiting for certain someone to buy my votes :)
Need pictures of roommate!
if i knew the reason maybe i'd give some
No reason, just tried to lure you to some "you homo" -reply, already started to plan a cunning comeback.

sorry to disappoint u cause i'm not some random dutch retard. "homo" lines are their specialty :D

u finnish fag. wanna wank on some poor defenseless balkans. shame on you

awaiting The Comeback ^^
No point anymore... :(
A little late, but congrats! Hope you had a nice day :))
thank you had good time :) with my friends, one piece & alc :x
hehe very drunk huh :P Nice nice! we should go clubbin on next lan event :)))
bit (!) drunken :) we should when i come!
get a boyfriend and stop with the spam
u get a girl and leave here. i have bf u know
internet boyfriends dont count :(
oh poor them! :(
hello dear saskia
hallo bettina
It's hot everywhere i go( hehe u know why)

Didn't vote cause im to lazy to do so

Favourite offline games are Kingdom of Hearts for my ds, that's the only stuff i need.. Oh and Final Fantasy ofc.

peaceeee <3
hot hot hot in herrrre =)
isnt it Kingdom Hearts ? oh and if yes.. the ps2 games are much better or even the psp one :)
Oh ye you're right, little mistake tnx! Yeah i know the ps2 games are better, but great to play on the DS too, because it's a different story!
true.. :) and as soon as im back home i will get me the new one ^^ cant wait for kh3
hb schneeee :)!
hah u r late mister but thx ;) !
I didn't vote, I was just to lazy.

And no offline games for me.. internship, work, girl and school are eating all my spare time :<
oh god, not you again ":D"

//Palju õnne sünnipäevaks!
i can leave NOW!!!

kiitos?!! =)
fu with fintards language
its aitäh in estonian.
have a nice birthday?

going out for my mates birthday, so haviing a few drinks tonight, looking forward to it!
The XX - Intro <3
Nachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag <3
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