abyssus dpi et/rtcw

Today I switched from 450 to 1800 dpi on my razer abyssus, but for some reason both ET and RTCW (in contrast to QL and Q3CPM) don't seem to recognize that change.
I already tried installing the latest drivers, which didn't have any effect at all.
Does anyone know why that IS or have any idea why that COULD be?
ET or RtCW have nothing to do with your mouse DPI.

It could have to do with you getting the infamous negative acceleration - in Quake Live and CPMA I think in_mouse 2 uses dinput to detect the mouse movements and hence no negative acceleration should occur. In ET that cvar is broken as far as I'm aware.

E: Solution: Use RInput.
cheers, will test that right away.

e: works perfectly fine! =)
if i remember right in the Linux ET client in_mouse 2 worked for me - wasnt playing in Linux since months now.
Yes, the input methods are different in Linux - in Windows only WM_MOUSEMOVE is working by default. Although I think Linux has in_dgamouse 1 or something.

However, on Linux when you use dgamouse, minimizers might not work correctly, i.e. the mouse movement might not be freed. Hence it's better to use an accelfix for Xorg and use in_dgamouse 0, which is pretty similiar to in_mouse 1 (i.e. WM_MOUSEMOVE method) on Windows.
my bad, ofc i meant in_dgamouse
maybe it is because of the input type?

try /in_mouse 0, 1 or 2 in quake. with one of these settings, ql-mouse feels like the same as et-mouse.
in_mouse "-1" got me the same issue in cpm, setting it to 1 fixed it. Didn't do the trick in et/rtcw tho.
PHATE JONGEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! How are you? :O)

pretty good, finally had my last exam for this semester yesterday =)
Oh nice man! Just to let you know "in_mouse" doesn't work in ET because it is pretty cach as you well know ;)

Try in_mouse 2 in all your other games, I think that might help but I'm no expert on this :( mr Ruski h8m3 might be your man to help :D
Indeed. Free time incoming! Rise Against concert in March!!! Just need to write some 5 page essay on death until March 31st =D.

Well, atm im using in_mouse 2 for ql, in_mouse 1 for cpm and RInput for et/rtcw.
for some reason in_mouse 2 doesn't work in cpm either, but in_mouse 1 does :O)

This setup works fine for me, made a little batch file to auto run rtcw and et with Rinput.
Hmmmmm not sure why in_mouse 2 doesn't work with CPM because I'm using that at the moment! I haven't got internet right now which is pretty shit seeing as you have CPM again and I haven't got anyone to play against when I'm actually online :D

Are you still using mouseaccel btw?
Indeed! Need to get used to that movement :D
And no, dropped accel =) mid/high sens just like when I started playing et =D
You might have sickness aim again then!! :P
might yea =D there is a tiny chance at least!
i hate you!! final exam this semester....
=D but you 're done with everything all together then at least!
gl ofc!
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