lol uberpwnage
10 Feb 2011, 19:19
i was bored about playing normal so i startede my epic built with malphite.
had a speed of 550+ all the time, with my Q attack it even increased so they coulnd really get me! Although i was very squishy and died several times i killed 8 enemies with this equip
had a speed of 550+ all the time, with my Q attack it even increased so they coulnd really get me! Although i was very squishy and died several times i killed 8 enemies with this equip
also attack speed max is 2.5 enjoy building for nothing
Last I checked the only reason someone goes 6x pd/zeal for is the movement buff rather than anything else, as troll build. But that's just me.
Though personally I prefer AP malph, quite hilarious bursting people down with your ult+Q combo.