Happy Birthday h1ko

Our favourite weaboo/otaku nerd h1ko turned 17 today! This amazing nerd who does nothing else then playing some tibia at school and play LoL all day long is finally becoming a real man! Happy birthday to this badboy!

image: bdayaAnimeGirlSkirtUp%255B1%255D

image: 2j4dgyp
Happy Birthday! :D :*
made achievement of the random pic.
omg h1ko omg

Happy Birthday and yes i am writing to you from a tree :D
hb H1ko-chan :DDD
Happy birthday my friend =)
happy bday 17 alweer ;O


Captain Usopp wenst jou een fijne verjaardag toe :>
HB my lover :****
HB ! <3
hb gozer :)
hb h1ko :)
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