world's fastest sending off?

it's not

"Den Rekord für die schnellste bekannte rote Karte hält der walisische Amateur-Fußballer Lee Todd. Er reagierte im Jahr 2000 auf den Anpfiff des Schiedsrichters mit den Worten "Fuck me, that was loud" und wurde wegen "foul language" bereits nach zwei Sekunden vom Platz gestellt."

Lee Todd helds the record for the fastest sending off. The ref showed him the red card 2sec after the whistle because he said: "Fuck me, that whistle blow was loud".
sry for beginner translation :P
Lee Todd helds the record for the fastest sending off. The ref showed him the red card 2sec after the whistle because he said: "Fuck me, that whistle blow was loud".
sry for noob translation :P
the ref whistled the game on and somebody said that sentence about the whistle sound so the ref got mad and sent him off after 2 secs
That must've been a very retarded referee
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