Playstation 3D and 3D Monitors

Hoi, well i've bin googling around the interwebs for some minutes now, but cant find any real info about this. I wonder if it is possible to connect my Samsung 2233 monitor to my ps3 and play coming games in 3D on it. On other sites some wrote it will work some said it wont :S :P

any ideas?

image: examn
i dont get your picture gay boy, explain?
He doesn't know his name, he puts his exam somewhere in the lot, he won't find it.
aa, you got it, i didnt, what a joke
get on hns noob
? :<

e: you missed out.
busy with something else mate :( :*
Don't you think that would be retarded to add a 3D function to some games if it won't work with a 3D tv..?
i got a 3D monitor not 3D TV :p
Look on the box of it if it says 3D or not
3D games have been around for many years already, just install the game and play.
Works pretty well on my 50" 3D TV, that's a Samsung. Maybe monitors use some different bits and bobs for 3D,
pic is based on a movie with 3 college kids that are cheating through college! cant remember the name tho D:
How to Cheat in the Leaving Certificate? From 1997
If your Monitor has 3D, it should also have a HDMI access...? For all I know, you need both. :)
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