Workout routine

Would anyone know some awesome home workout routine for someone with the age of 16 ( almost 17 ) ? I don't want to get extremely pumped up, I just would like to have an athletic body ( ). I've been doing this for 3 weeks now, but I'd like to know if there isn't any other option.

Some info :

- Height : 1.85 cm's ( sth like that )
- Weight : 65-66 kg
- Doing karate atm
- Purty thin

image: cheryl-cole-12
image: cheryl+cole+pictures+and+cheryl+ashley+cole+style+gallery++cheryl-cole+in+bikini
image: cheryl+cole+pictures+and+cheryl+ashley+cole+style+gallery++cheryl-cole+laughing
image: cheryl+cole+pictures+and+cheryl+ashley+cole+style+gallery++cheryl-cole+hot+green+dress
1.85 cm and 65-66kg?

:D:D:DD pls
well why else would I ask for some workout routine :)?
lol oh ye :D
News flash: teens are skinny
Seems alright to me. I take that you're not extremely keen about going to the gym?! If so a mix of these pushups etc are probably fine. You shouldn't overdo it at such a young age anyway.
so that workout is pretty good ? Should I split it btw, like dani said ?
I only skipped through the vid but it seemed like it's mostly upper body workouts. Giving each body part rest of a day or two after a workout makes sense of course. If you, as an untrained youth stress the same muscles day after day you're likely to do more damage than good.

So, by that logic, you might want to split those workouts in the vid up into body and arm parts, like dani said.
if u would do it intensivly(?) yes, but the dude on the vid mostly gives u tips about ur upper body(abs+arms), so just follow that vid. But like I said, working out in a gym will help
Things that are important are:

Food! Since ur pretty thin, you need to eat alot! AlexL and those other bodybuilding freaks can give u good tips about what to eat ;)
Keep on doing ur workout, I wasnt able to keep myself motivated, and I didnt lift weights in over a year :p Its easier if u can find a workout-buddy ;)
Also, getting a membership at a gym helps. The people who work there can give u good tips aswell :) And try to workout about 3 or 4 times per week if you have the time ofc :p
lemme pm him
just eat loads of carbs to gain weight and lots of proteins for muscle recovery, for gaining weight there is no super type of meals. Eat loads of food, avoid chips and candy, eat nuts / cottage cheese. Rice and chicken once a day is a must! haha

Buy gymcard

Eat every 3 hour, and as much as you can, workout, become beast
don't rly have the time to go to a fitness + the nearest one is pretty expensive.
dont have time for the workout or the trip back and forth?

Only takes 1 h max to workout
well, school ends everyday around 18:15, 19:00 I'm home and I've got karate training 2 times a week. I'm following Latin - Modern Languages atm = loooots of studying to do. So practically the only time I'd be able to go would be in the weekends or wednesdays + it's around 7-8 km's to the gym and I'll prolly have to go by bike ( altho that would be a good warmup ).
Well home workout is still a workout, but you will get far better results by working out with weights at the gym. I recommend you to start going to the gym when you get more spare time, you wont regret it :)
yeah tell him how to gain fat and muscle mass at the same time he will appreciate it when he will have a hard time getting rid of the fat after he "gained mass".
the extra fat will only help him, someone who is 1.85 m and is working out should weigh maybe 75-80 at his age. there is no way he will be able to gain 10 kg muscles by holding normail 2-3 k kcal a day.
be yourself is all that you can be ehhhhhhhhhhhhh
Split up your workouts in:

day 1: Legs
day 2: breast and back
day 3: biceps/triceps
day 1/2/3: 1 hour of joggin

keep doing that and ull be a beast like me :D
they're called pecs :)
mantits with muscles?
pics or it never happened
that athletic body is 2 weeks work tbh
still, the vid is pretty usefull
wat reply je serieus op mij dan
lold at athletic body, if that is athletic i'm close to being a god.
if i would lose some weight, that would be mah body! He even has the same pose as me, hehe
haha ja op hyves lol :D
no not really, just look at my profile pic :)
buy weights, eat alot, don't smoke!
n e v e r gonna smoke, shitsticks
like smoking affects muscle building
home workout not possible unless you've rack
What Venkman said
that reminds me.. i should lose my belly fat.

i do daily pushups and shit so my arms and pecs are nice, but i don't exercise enough to lose my belly fat :(

not that it's much tho...
how do squat, Deadlift, Press (Overhead press) and power clean look like?
google/youtube them
you need to go atleast 3 times a week to the gym if you want a proper body(+eating alot of proteins and carbs and stay away from the chips,candy stuff like that)
this is how a decent workout schedule looks like:

Monday (Day 1)
Legs 4
- Squat
- Leg Extension
- Leg Curl
- Leg Press
- Lateral Raise
- Front raises
- Military press

Wednesday (Day 2)
- Bench press
- Incline Bench press
- Cable fly
- Dumbell fly
- Seated extension
- Pull down rope
- Lying tricep extension

Friday (Day 3)
- Seated row
- Barbell bent-over row
- Deadlift
- Lat pulldown
Biceps 3 oefeningen
- Cable curl
- Concentration curl
- Dumbell curl for how to do dem excercises you might wanna check that site, theres alot information also
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