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btw go watch hes a nerd and he iz funny shoutcaster


This LoL is so fucking cheap copy of dota
HoN is a copy of dota.
LoL changes a lot (no copy) to make it more casual... its freaking easy compared to dota/hon.
HoN final got 22k views and it worked fine.
ur game sucks.
what u say is wrong.

e: and the site is down due to assembly LAN SC2 finals not ur LoL shit
and cs/ql final got also 23k+ views
LoL had 34k 2 days ago ;)
dude this is not a HoN > LoL thing.
i mean only a retard would not be able to comprehend that HoN is dota while LoL is a game for noobs getting owned in the other 2.
so combine HoN and dota views and compare that to your noobshit.
free, casual games for poor people getting pwnd in pro shitz *shake head*
HoN is not dota, HoN is a shit copy of it ;) Never compared LoL to HoN idk where u see it, just said it had 34k viewers, better than that "noobshit" game that you have to pay for.
and i said that casuals watchign a lowskilled free-to-play casual game cant compete with anything.
lowskilled based on what? You never tried it i guess or you were just plain bad at it.
Also calling me a casual for what reason?
there are a trillion changes to the game (e.g. no money loss on death, short lanes, no homecomming stones, bushes that make you invisible... just to name a few) all of which make it casual and less skill intensive (low skilled). no proper player would ever doubt that but argue that it makes the game more enjoyable and if you can not accept that FACT you are a mad little nerd.
i tried it. 3 games and i had something like 23-3.
game is for lows, deal with it.
Gratz, you played 3 games vs lowbobs while the game gets interesting at level 30.
I played HoN, didnt like it dota was much better.
Also summoner spells/runes/masteries in a game make same heroes played in a different way which makes the game more fun. Didn't like the some changes that you mentioned ( no money loss, no creep denying) but adding the bushes that makes you invisible was a great idea, creeps with buffs. It's not that much different tactics wise, you have to put the same effort in both games. So dont say some random shit bout the game since you played a few games only.
first sentence is true: didnt play much cause i didnt like it.
i stopped reading at the beginng of the second sentence as its exactly what i said. "summoner runes etc make the game different" and in your opinion nicer. granted.
but you will have to live with your game being easier and HoN people laughing at you for being casual. deal with it.
How would those changes make the game 'easier'?
You're only screaming how some changes make the game less skill-based but in fact I don't see a single reason for it in your comments.

Don't forget that it's a PvP game so whatever changes possibly make you're life easier will also make your opponent's life easier.

Besides, the game has some mechanics different from HoN/DoTA that make the game different. It always takes skill to master certain mechanics and LoL's mechanics are certainly not easy to master. They might be easy to learn but playing at a higher level is a way other thing. I think that Riot has done a great job in making the game attractive to casual gamers but also skill-based and hard to master so it is also attractive to competitive gamers.
just read the FAQ and you will see that the mission of the devs was to make it casual.
now shut ur whine and face it.
Read my comment and you will understand that yours makes no sense.
u r right i didnt read it.
okay then let me point out a number of random things and believe me there are a million more.

-no denies: kills lane control
-no nutral creep pull: kills lane control
-no creep stack: kills support role, les coordination needed
-no wards: kills support roles, ganks too easy
-map too small: fatality of messing up decreased, ganks too easy
-port back w/o cost or cd: fatality of messing up decreased
-no money loss on death: fatality of messing up decreased
-summonder runes: rng (random number generator).. well not rly but still unpredictable and "luck"
-invis bushes: same kinda of "rng"
-the ability to increase effectiveness of your spells as core of the game: lotto weird guess whatever shit

just to name a few and not to waste too much time on it.
you dont get HoN thats why you cant see that LoL is a joke. your reaction however seems to show that you guessed it already.

watch a HoNcast
-no denies: kills lane control

pushing the enemy out of the xp zone is a more complex and strategical attempt to gain lane control and overfarm your enemy

-no nutral creep pull: kills lane control

don't know what neutral creeps have to do with lanes, so I guess you're a hundred steps above me

-no creep stack: kills support role, les coordination needed

also it makes ganks more predictable since you aren't missing 24/7 so you need more coordination to pull it off correctly, your argument is invalid, also support gains stacks for assists, your argument is invalid

-no wards: kills support roles, ganks too easy

LoL HAS wards.

-map too small: fatality of messing up decreased, ganks too easy

you are saying that it's way too easy not to mess up on the same time you are claiming that people are way too easy to gank, decide for one please, you are nullifying your own arguments. all that happens are that games become more fastpaced

-port back w/o cost or cd: fatality of messing up decreased

port back with cost or cd: kills support role

-no money loss on death: fatality of messing up decreased

your enemy gains money from a kill, your argument is invalid

-summonder runes: rng (random number generator).. well not rly but still unpredictable and "luck"

runes have nothing to do with luck, you place them before the match and they always have the same effect, they add more variety and less predictability to each character

-invis bushes: same kinda of "rng"

nothing to do with rng, it's a factor of xp zone control, you just can't live with this because all hon players need to do is kill off their own creeps

-the ability to increase effectiveness of your spells as core of the game: lotto weird guess whatever shit

Increasing your own spell's effectiveness is lotto? Do you even realize what you're saying?

My, there are a few reasons why people could see HoN as a better game than LoL, but you are obviously too retarded to even argue. By the way, I see both as completely different games, I have played both (HoN in beta) and right now I prefer League of Legends simply as I don't see a reason to pay money for a game of equal, or in my case (matter of tastes) even less value.
read my previous comments.
i really dont see it that way. to me (and the other hon players i claim) LoL demands less.
We could compare this to the situation between ET and CoD4.

Without a doubt, ET is the better game if you get used to it as it has way more variety and match changing factors. However, you see quite a few millions more playing CoD4.

Guess why?

CoD4 "demands less"

And I'll be completely honest with you, two HoN players from my area I picked up were pretty good in LoL (though they had played around ten matches already). They, too, say HoN is better. In the end, it all comes down to a matter of taste, and it will always be this way, HoN players flaming LoL players and the other way around, simply because people can't let others do what they want to do. Instead, they argue about how bad the other game is respectively, only taking into account their own taste.
haha you seem to be quite a nice guy actually.
i thought about brining up the exact same argument.
ET is a better (more demanding) game even tho (or because?) I am better at CoD4.
Some games require a lot of fine tuning (ET/HoN) and some are easier to master on your own.
HoN is slower (not only in match duration) and more team focused. If that makes it better or worse is up to you.
I prefer HoN to LoL and I would rate ET higher than CoD4.
Those are some interesting differences you pointed out. Though you should remember that in most PvP games the number of different mechanics in a game make up for how difficult it is to master. I think that league of legends contains a lot of mechanics that are easy to learn but hard to master.

- No denies: A whole different style of lane control. (There's one champion
that can deny) Laning is different against any champion.

- No neutral creeps: There are neutral creeps.

- No Creep stacking: Jungling still takes coordination. By walking away from the
creeps they will be reset allowing a jungler to loose less health while killing the

- No wards: There are wards. They play a big role in the game.

- Map too small: Messing up is even more fatal. Making one misstep can get you
killed. Also requires more map awarness. You could say ganking is easier but
that would also mean that laning is harder because there is more danger of
being ganked.

- Port back w/o cost: It does come with some costs. You loose creepkills and
exp while porting back and walking. Survivability is very important. The longer
you can stay in the lane without porting back the more farmed you will

- No money loss on death: This actually allows for a loosing team to come back
after dieing, meaning its harder for the other team. You can't win the game
by a good coordinated teamfight / multigank. You really have to dominate
your opponent.

- Summoner runes: Allows players to build a champion in a unique way. This also
means that you always have to watch and understand your opponent in order
to know what they're up to.

- Bushes: A whole new mechanic that can be used in your advantage but can
also be used by the opponent. Does not make the game easier at all. It only
adds another mechanic to be mastered.

- The ability to increase the effectiveness of your spells as core of the game: I
dont really understand what you mean by this.

Just so you know, I have watched a lot of HoN and I've got nothing against it.
It's a good game thats very skill-based. However, I don't agree with you about LoL. I hope I convinced you now.
as i replied to the guy above: personal preference.
e: i never played dota but played HoN from beta, then tried to learn dota to get better at HoN :S and check pretty much any "arena rts" that was releases ever since.
I still find HoN to be the most challenging (simply cause I cant stand the looks of dota).
IEM CS final had 27 k but i think it was just ?linked? from esl
37k at best :)
AFAIK the ESL stream couldn't take it so they took up the own3d stream. And yeah there was over 27k on there.

Bit of owned history - am I right in thinking naxid started it & comes from the ET community? Was it him that foonr stole the xf ladder from?
ur right, dont know about the foonr part
Oh come on :(
and BoxeR's SC2 comeback match in GSL hat 800k online viewers on GomTV... + prolly 200k or more, viewing restreams...

so all your shit games < SC2 ... oknp?
couldnt care less
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