Crysis 2 console

has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like
Crysis 2 without the dev stuff top right corner?
cba about my FPS and shits its 60 stable anyways on max.

and why cant i minimize it w/o it crashing?
~ and type r_displayinfo 0
correct, thx.
Its BETA version,so gtfo all with it.
its a leak of a rather final built. you can play the complete game.
why would one have to gtfo with it?
You can really play the full game with it?
Yet you're still complaining about bugs in a development version. Quite silly.
i am not whining about bugs i asked how to disable the console (which is possible).
wanted to be all "dont flame betas" but you didnt read, retard
Quoteand why cant i minimize it w/o it crashing?
no fix for it?
no whine.
Its Beta version,peoples are whining about bugs..cmon,wait for full game.
i am not whining about bugs i asked how to disable the console (which is possible).
wanted to be all "dont flame betas" but you didnt read
I never liked germans
you glad that im a german cause that makes me nice enough to answer ur question eventho i should call u a britfag.
yes u can play the game. but it really IS beta. (missing polish, missing cutscenes, <placeholder> everywhere).
check if you like the setting and then wait for the game, thats what i did/gonna do.

now go hate on someone with a less forgiving personality.
Am not trying to offend, it's just that I really hate germans
its not that i feel insulted, it's just that generalizing statements like that cleary showcase simple minded people.
If you pirate it atleast wait for a proper release instead of this p2p bullshit... meh
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