schnee's sunday journal

hey peepz,

hope u all had a nice weekend? =) weather wasnt that nice and i decided to get on my old pc to play et since the fucking laptop overheats ;)
what have u done?
so i played mostly and watched one piece.

question for today:
whats ur fav class on et?

song <3:

pic:image: uma-thurman-20041224-18578

shoutout2 my buddies, floo <3, olbaaaa & plekter yeaaaah =)
my weekend was shitty, since im ill
i was playing et about 6/7 hours
meine fav class is fops
good song
not bad chick
drinkin hard
I know right? :D but vodka only, I'm not awesome enough to drink bears
haha, nice one ;)
mates hosted huge party yesterday, got free drinks all the way while evrybody else had to pay. and weed:))
Had a big party yesterday called hardbass
just took shower and finally hangover is gone!
fav class ; medic/2nd engi

lets play some et tonight <3
medic /sniper

one piece <3, guess i stopped watching it when they where at "thriller bark" or something, my gf loved it.
got shitfaced friday and chilled at home the rest of the weekend. and sold my rs account
play LoL 24/h
best rifle in uk yo

haters welcome
i play like twice a month and i'm still better than you
dont know what your problem is

people preferring me to you must of touched a nerve
nothing personal, just thought i'd correct your false claim
Covert Ops

burn eddie was here
im fucking tired and wasted ;[
war eben mit schwester und mami in black swan, juter film.
Weekend was ok :))) Weather wasn't the best but still done a bit of downhill riding :)))
Fav class: Covert ops ofc! Engineer close 2nd :')
learning for exams
i hear ya bro
ty4shoutout <3

weekend been very good up until this morning when my gf left :(
been chillin' it at her parents place all weekend basically

fav class: definately cvops (sniper)
had a rly nice drinking with friends :)
but got hangover now :/

rly nice girl u posted
engineer with a smg :)
had fun outside with mates.

fav class for sure is fops (at defence) and medic at attk
WHAT kind of fun outside ? =)
snowboarding, skiing, all kinds of winter sports! :P
i envy u rly :)
haha, why so?

Im at school now lol, crap pc's are crap :ppp
because we have not big mountains and snow in berlin ;)
damn, if you want some snow I can send some, we have like +1 meter everywhere overhere! :o

will put pic when home :p
fav class: medic :)
been sleeping whole weekend since had exam at saturday 10 am :F and couldnt fall asleep day before , apart from that pwnd Canada 4:0 @ offi today :D

fav class: fop
went out fri night, got home sun morning, had to go to work with with the hangover from hell... played et and got owned (nothing new)

engi smg
doin party hard eh?
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