Alcohol consumption

2003-05 .. i bet the UK percentages will have doubled :P
2009 Checz were first with 12.1 L of pure alcohol and Estonia 2nd with 11.9 L. No other country didnt even came near, but here it shows that pussy countries like UK and France drink.

Austria is 3rd
Yeah, because drinking yourself stupid is totally awesome and stuff.
Did you know that Thomas Jefferson drank almost 15 bottles of wine per day? He achieved greatness nevertheless
15 botles? U know that this are 22.5l of wine. I drink about 2-4l IceTea a day ...
Sounds like bullshit, Thomas Jefferson's alcohol use was modest according to, and I can't find any source saying otherwise.
Just because he bought quite large amounts of wine doesn't mean he consumed it all himself.
Read again dude :D

It says he consumed 300 gallons of wine during january. And if you read his daily routine on montecillo site , you will see that he didnt have many guests. And 360 gallons pers 10 people is still A LOT.
No, he bought 382 bottles of whine and a cask (large barrel), amounts which he ordered at least once every year. It doesn't say anything about how much he consumed (unless I'm missing something, then please quote that). Sounds like he consumed [perhaps together with others] a bit over a bottle a day, firm but not excessive imo.

QuoteJefferson's cellar contained bottles from France, Portugal, Spain, Hungary, Germany and Italy, and he served wine after dinner daily in the belief that it was good for the health. Orders for casks and bottles of wine were made on at least an annual basis. For example, in January 1820 Jefferson recorded receiving 382 bottles of various wines and one cask of "Muscat of Rivesalte." The next January, he noted that the Muscat "is out, to wit 62 gallons in 11 months."
hes trolling u about 15 litres. Thats like saying i can run 100 metres in 4 seconds.

the greatest leaders in UK history were all drunks though :).
yes it is!
It's pretty obvious you have already accomplished that mission.
could get much better
est is only so high because all the fins come buy alco in est :D
The test is done by taking away the tourist part in every country. I hoped finnish ppl could have understood Estonian better.
I understand est pretty well but I didn't even read the test so funny judging and how do they exclude tourists? I guess u know tallinn is full of drunken fins
we mad. HIGH FIVE
yeah i know i drink a lot sometimes no need to tell it everyone :o
and my colleagues from the usa dont drink much thats tru°!
because they are used to water with beer taste for example :D
Since I started going to university I'm used to drinking at least 3 nights per week (not getting drunk but having at least a beer with a friends). Still drinking on your own and getting wasted off your ass multiple times a week is hella stupid.
drunk almost 3 times/week, i'm not stupid, i'm not sad about anything, i'm just young and horny :D
On your own? That was the operative phrase.
forever alone u mean ? nah always with good friends !
you don't know the right americans lol
per week
what can i say beer best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guess thats the reason u using this particular flag?
so, basically, the whole of africa is shit and depressing.
That would be news.
regarding muslims (alcool forbidden ) it tells a lot !
Well, you can tell where muslim influence gets less.
obvious shit is obvious
The UK should be ultrasupermegapurple. Don't think I recall fumble/garin being sober once on vent.
ROFL :D .. no vent on weekends until early morning !!
oh he's rolling rolling rolling rolling oh !
Or they just cant handle booze? Drinking beer is easy.

Saw kamz's "vodka shots" . He drank 2 of those and was so wasted.

In here, we drink in shot glasses the whole 0.5l bottle. And even after that I am not so wasted as he was in that video. And before vodka we usually do couple of beers to get it rolling.
You're a fucking hero.
I know. And you are not

QuotePeople aged 15+

afaik fumble is only 15
france in !
A lot of alcoholics in our town, but then we are known for a lot of shit here (most depressed place, highest council tax, unemployed etc in uk/europe loL)
what? .. Wales is the most peaceful place on Earth, what is this alcohol they're talking about? :/
Like you'd fuck a sheep sober.
so whos the pussies? South europe Benelux Norway and Sweened(expensive or what?)
Netherlands got a fair amount of soft drugs to replace alcohol I guess. Scandinavia is expensive as hell though.

E: Also Germany and Benelux have a greater beer brewing- and therefore an 'afterwork beer'-tradition
Beer is calculated in to it also.
Yeah, that's why Germany and Benelux have a higher average than Sweden and Norway.
Yep. Although drinking vodka is quite traditional in cold countries but sweden and norway dont do it. :(
croatia is red fufufufufufu
Heard dk is no.1
Slots for the win.
so you're telling me i should move to iceland?
lol low consumption in africa :<

cause the know its unhealthy to drink on empty stomach...
not funny but i laughed
Average per year I assume? 12,5 liters per year is nothing :|
Raw alcohol, not alcoholic beverages. So it doesn't matter if it's beer or whiskey you're drinking.
Ah.. I still assume I'm keeping that average up ;D
that can't be right, croatia is marked red yet like 1 out of 10 people I know drink maybe 4-5L of beer a month, everyone else not even close to that

would be nice to see how do they calculate those numbers
That picture is too old and quite frankly bullshit. Estonia in 2000 had 7.6 and now has 11.9 :D:D
In some countries alcohol is forbidden due to their religion
i reckon i drink 12,5 litres in under 2 weeks while at uni. Im definitely not a big drinker compared to some m8s either.

outside of uni nowhere near that much.

i just saw its raw alcohol not actual drinks. I wonder how raw alcohol is in 1 pint of beer, then i could work out my percentage.
ye how much pure alchol is in 1 pint of beer? would be interesting to know that, since those figures mean nothing to me since its pure alcohol.
I got no idea about how much pure alcohol is in any given drink
22.72ml = 0.768 fluid ounces

That's what's in one pint if my math is correct. (roughly, taken an average ale of 4%)
so the 0.768 = the pure alcohol amount in 22.72ml

brb working this out for my year. could be epic
no, one pint (568ml) has 22.72ml of alcohol which translates to 0.768 fluid ounces (I thought it would give you a better perspective if I wrote it in imperial units as well)
so 22.72ml of pure alcohol in 1 pint?
Beer is for pussies if you try to get pure alcohol.
Bragging about alcohol consumption is for pussies.
wel i drink mostly double vodka and cokes on a night out in a club. Pubs is obviously more beer. But i go to clubs more often that i do pubs since im at university. outside of university clubs are just so expensive so you go to pubs more.
Well, no wonder you cant catch up with Estonia. I dont drink a lot amongst most of the young people. Before club I usually drink 0.5l hard 40 % liquir and @club like 3 rum coctails give or take.

8 cl coctails just wont keep up with that :D
pretty much exactly the same as me :) share a bottle of vodka with a m8 for pre drinks before i go out, start drinking about 8 til 11-12 when we go to the club. get back from the club about 4.
i share a 75cl bottle of vodka not a litre , it costs to much. However i drink alot more when im at the club so it will balance out to about the same.
0.5l is like 10 double vodka and mixers, i cant drink that much and im glad because being a heavy drinker costs so dam much money.
i feel sorry for you if it takes you half a bottle of vodka to even get you going before u go out. Means u gota shell out moer $$$ when u go out :)

no way im drinking this much in my life again. not even close, i spend all day everyday either hungover or tired from going out, although its worth it i wouldnt want to be this way for the rest of my life.

if i dont go out for a week i feel like a new person and feel fucking awesome lol
Had one head ache hangover in my life, otherwise it's just that funny feeling in the stomach.

And 0.5l vodka for 5 € is cheap enough dude :D
0.5l costs you 5 euros....

brb going to where u live :DDDDDD. 1 litre = around £18 in southern England, which is around 22 euros.

0.35 CL bottle = about £6 which is like 8 euros nearly.
Well, normal vodka's are around 7-8 € 0.5l, but it's usually the bullshit euro 37.5
But yeah, you will get quality Estonia vodka for 5.50 €. And the even shittier but crazier hangover vodka for only like 4.20 euros
0.5L for 4.20... that must be like drinking rat poison
Not rly. You can get even cheaper smuggled vodka from Russia with 3 € :D:D

Our alcohol taxes arent so high, that's why we have so cheap vodka.

And trust me, after 4 beers all the vodkas taste the same
no after i drink 4 beers im not drunk i can still taste the difference between all vodkas.

i can always taste shit vodka no matter how drunk i am, u can get cheap vodka here and its like drinking piss.
And in the end you have more money in your pocket and are as drunk as other.

But it depends on the vodka culture too. Or who's making it.

In some point during 18th century Estonia had over 500 vodka "factories" :D:D That's just my opinion, but probably our cheap vodka isnt that bad compared to yours.
We too have 0.7l for 5€ or less and due to quality law constraints it isn't even that bad.
infect trying to be funny here, nothing to see here
How the fuck are we beating Australia :D?
great achievment, something our country is proud of.
its very cold in those places man, they need it

e: lol dunno why pt is red though
lol'd at russia :D
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