
yo guys, i was reading all those journals about working out, gaining muscles.
So i thought it give it a shot. Yesterday i did a few excersizes, measured my bicep.
And this morning i was measuring my bicep again.
Guess what? no gain in size or whathever.
I hope next time there will be some reliable information.
its clear proof these guys don;'t know what theyre talking about.
Not ripped within one day ? Go see a doctor :S
Troll is too easy to spot.
Clear case of physical retardation.
last time i checked, you biceups were as big as Kim Jong-Power's
what are you checking me for you homosexual
i think ur doin something wrong then :/
hahahahaa :DDD
shit troll is shit srry :D!
fucking retard takes months to notice any change unless youre on the juice
how do u not realise this is a troll? u new to crossfire?
wtf is a troll man, do i look like a character from a fairytale?
trolled hard
go back to the trolling school, cause u suck at trolling

this not even trolling, this is just plain -> not funny <-
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