eVo not giving money away?

great organization from impact and great management?


??? triple EC winners and multiple NC winrarz dont get money what was promised??

the fuck is this shit? you organize a cup and u dont pay the prizes?

great community member...

admin edit: I don't care whether or not this is a valid discussion, but keep it civil or the journal is a goner.
evo = not so nice

impact = gay wnb pro gaming esports club (low- xDDDD)
i worked months for that 12 euros and in the end didnt even get paid. eSports is bad business kids.
i somehow lolled, but i feel sad inside my soul
impact = gay wnb pro gaming esports club (low- xDDDD)
evo = faggot

impact = gayming
i bet its not about the 12 euros and about the fact its like nothing but if top 3 teams are promised to have something (money) then they should recieve it but as eVo didn't like the idea of his team not ending up top 3 in his own tourney he became god
god of 12€...he can buy himself some Socks
you just prooved how big retard you are
are you stupid?
read throught the link that dunz posted and you will see that those 12 euros re not even slightly relevant to all that...
u were robbed
read it a bit,

conclusion: eVo is not so nice
eVo is and always will be a wannabee who follows highskillers around and wants to be recognized.

He is what is wrong with this community.
Why are it always the Finns that are bitching about unpaid prizemoney that much? I mean, I've nothing against fighting for what was promised but the prizes that are in discussion for each player are so low, i'd never invest so much energy to cry for it.
Whether it's £1.00 or £10,000, it's the principle.
Takes lots of energy, i may have to play the next dignitas cup so i can get those energy gums and keep this going on
you wouldn't receive them anyways
Prolly, won month/two ago a<lso 5 mousepads and neither i have received those, internet isnt so good business..
mad cause the only thing u dedicated ur sad little inbred life to dosnt pay off?
pretty much cause 90 % of them act like morons online anyway, have no clue why or how. Not ment as racism, just an observation.
since when finnish people is race
Cause finns are the only ones who win prizemoney

;d I expected an epic long chain of fins saying that, but just one? :o
has decem seal of approval, what more could you wish for?
I recon its pretty important to do so since future participation in tournaments etc depends on it.
It's a lot more about principle than just the money as I bet no one can say they're playing this game just for the money, because the sums involved are so small

I'm still missing unpaid prizemoney from a certain LAN event and the sum isn't that substantial to me (lots more than 12 euros anyway), but back then I would've really appreciated it to cover the costs it took me to participate in that event..

Also I have to say that I find your comment really odd, because I don't see how any honest guy can talk about going after money people owe you like that (using impressions like "bitching about unpaid prizemoney" and "cry for it"). Atleast I get the impression that you think that it's okey to not pay the prizemoney you've promised.
Well maybe I've chosen the wrong words for that. And I also don't want to say that not paying money you've promised someone else is okay by any means.

What wonders me the most tho, is that the Finns (MM,dickmans, fin5, etc) often whine about unpaid prizes or missing financial support altho they do not show any commitment for the game like attending LAN events, representing ET in big MGCs, being polite and honest on Crossfire and such. Except for VAE there was not a single all Finnish lineup attending any LAN I could tell of. Also the behavior is far from being professional as instead of discussing those money issues in private you often read these endless dialogues on CF. Additionally I could mention the whine about not getting into decent orgs combinded with all the "trolling" from Finns. After reading Samples and Ensams comments right after getting kicked from Epsilon one could well understand why they did not get the support they wanted. You can not even divide between mature Finnish teams anymore and the "retarded" rest. As seemingly all Finns play or have played in KRP for example. Those guys who do not treat others with respect and professionalism are the ones wanting money.

But as this is going off topic and I mention things that generalize a big group of players without enough knowledge I'll stop here. Didn't want to offend anyone, just stating my thoughts.
how dare you not offend anyone! this is crossfire! i demand an insult!
why should they do any of these things? If they sign up for a contest with promised prizes and they win they should get paid

professional :D

Okey, I'll admit that I wanted to reply to you although I knew you were mainly targeting it at the MM players. I understand your points and I'm not really in for defending them here (although based on what I've read from these discussions at CF it seems to me that there's no valid reason why the prizemoney hasn't been paid to them).

I just wanted to point out that there are atleast a few finns who are still missing unpaid prizemoney despite showing commitment to the game by attending LANs, representing ET in big MGCs and being honest and polite on CF like you listed.

Oh and I can tell from experience that it doesen't always help even if you're as professional as possible about trying to handle the case of missing prizemoney. Sad that it seems to have happened in this game so often. Would be great to see some professionalism from the organizers aswell..
how the fuck is our eSportsism related to anything again.
funny that everyone who commented above me and flaming evo is a retard or a fin... except mind he is both of it ;]

Anyway, if i would be evo, it would be a pleasure for me to pay MM the money while saying "h3h3 we both know, if you would have come to lan, your ass would get raped anyway" ":D"!

over and out


Sorry bo, you just wrote your comment while i wrote mine ;€
that would be so crazy! damn
eventhough we would have raped the lan just much but whatever
well twidi aint that stupid :P
Everyone thinks to know the whole story and calls eVo not so nice.
What is there to know? eVo posted logs himself admitting that he hasnt paid
and in those logs, you never made it clear in any way, that you were getting this money transferred from your paypal account to chmmp? or whoever else ? as they never had paypal and this is how it was being paid. evo then refused to pay the rest of it due to you being such a fucking retard that you couldnt even explain the situation, for all he knew , he was going to send the whole lot to you, and then you go "i never got it, pay it again", which tbh, id expect from a complete fucking inbred like yourself. but suprise suprise, you just did the usual "wtf nerd" comment that the whole world expects from you and your moron mates and never actually try to resolve the situation like a normal person....

this all happened how long ago? and still you go on, and on, and on, and on....when will this madness end! WHEN! see you on a thread in another 4 years time to dig all this boring fucking shite up again....
What the fuck? I never asked anything from anyone. I had paypal account and mates needed someone to transfer money for them.
Well said.
Did not know and read the whole thing but I expected something like that.
sta ever gave you your rings?
Last part of the sentence got edited, not by me if I remember right.
And even if I wrote that I'd like to see you writing and speaking a proper German or Swiss-German.
evo and ross acting not so nice? whats new
evo posting private logs, ban
If it's true, this guy is a fucking twat.
i wouldn't waste my words for 12€ lol :)
ye its all about the 12€ oh god people are retarded
even tho i wouldnt go thru the hastle of moaning for 12 euros its rly not about the money, its the principle if your gonna promise something then do it!
both sides of this conflict are crippled...
Finns mad cause they needed the money to pay back a debt to the local pizza restaurant

"Dont worry Hassam, dont worry! soon we will win this computer game cup and we can pay back all these Vesuvios"
they should give the prizes to teams that actually show up at lan
so, the ET Master's Final has to be played on LAN? >:?
people like eVo shouldnt host cups or be a sponser. You run a cup and say top 3 get paid and u dont pay 3rd place.

doesnt matter how retarded u think they are, if you think they cheat or whatever reason

the cup sais top 3 get paid. that means top 3 get paid.

if people in sport didnt get paid because they are idiots then not many people in sport would get paid.
What he said.
yeah, and hero's like you turn up to save the day with some witty remarks and save et and competetive online gaming as a whole.

no, you dont.

at least he tried to do a bit of sponsorship and host a cup or two. till you do the same and do it better, you can say exactly fuck all, cos youve got fuck all to back up what you're saying.
This isn't strictly my view, more a counter-point; if I create a cup and don't pay people the prizes I offered upon creation, then is that actually beneficial? I'd say it's quite detrimental to the opinion that ET can be a e-sport. I'm also a little surprised he didn't just suck it up and and pay them, I say this because I believe eVo is one of the people that actually wants to run a profitable, successful team in ET and promote a professional scene.

Note: I don't give a fuck, eVo has his reasons, and although I don't understand them (to a point) thats really the end of it.
its nothing to do with evos ability to run a competition, im just saying if you dont shell out the specified prizes to the people who win them you shouldnt host a cup with prizes.

if you disagree with that statement then u need ur head checked. U cannot not pay someone for any reason if they legitimately win the prize. Frankly its against the Law to do that. Thers no way ET will get more active if the prizes people are playing for are not given to the players.

Its these actions that kill ET. Imagine if Andy Murray wins Wimbledon this year and at the ceremony they say sorry u didnt win the cup or the half a million cash prize but hers a handshake.

Ive won sport tournaments,ive run sports tournaments and some people act retarded and get angry because they didnt win the finals. They still get the prize they won.
the whole point though, is that evo tried to pay these twats.

mind and his cool gang tried to be all clever and make an arse out of evo cos he stated the rules , from the start of the tourney remember, that the final would be for lan. if you werent attending the lan, you never got into the playoffs. dont think thats too hard to grasp, even for fins :D

they went on and on and on so much, evo, to keep the peace, agreed to pay them what they would have got for 3rd. mind fucked it all up. they got fuck all. UNLUCKY imo.

and you can hardly call anything to do with et E-Sports ffs. its a game full of trolls and haxxors! :D can you see andy murray going to collect his 2nd place, and going "haha you fucking wnb nerd" to the guy that beats him?
people do that in football all the time. During the game a bad tackle comes in and players start swearing constantly and fighting on the pitch. They still all get paid even if they get a red card and sent off their weeks wages are still paid. Online is just the same as real life in sport. People are constantly abusing each other on the pitch.

you could list all the pro football players and all their fucking retarded actions off the pitch and on it. Fights, abuse, sleeping with other peoples wifes. Constantly drinking to much. All still get paid.

Ye it sucks dealing with people that act retarded. Online its easy to just say wel... im not paying you if you behave like that. The reason eVo can say that is because hes not constantly dealing with them in person.

If eVo was a Chelsea Manager and his team was masculine mans. if they won the premiership and he didnt pay their weeks wages on the last game because they acted retarded after the game.

Ye u can say they had no intention of going to lan which is obvious to everyone with half a brain those fools will never go to lan. So either completely ban them from entering the competion, dont let them enter then say

wel...... u werent going to lan anyway so im not paying u. U just sound like a 10 yaer old kid not wanting to give someone your gameboy to play with.

IT IS COMPLETELY UP TO THE PLAYERS HOW TO SPEND THE MONEY AND WHERE THE MONEY GOES. if they want to wire it to some jewish kid in isreal thats up to them. They won the money fair and get to choose what to do with it.

the guy who hands andy murray the check for winning wimbledon isnt going to say , you need to tell me exactly where your depositing this money and exacly how your going to spend it or you cant have it.
Quotethey went on and on and on so much, evo, to keep the peace, agreed to pay them what they would have got for 3rd. mind fucked it all up. they got fuck all. UNLUCKY imo

what the fuck?
have you actually understood what happened... we created a tournament and announced it would be completed on LAN... they couldn't attend LAN and were replaced... the top 3 teams in the tourney were paid i.e. those who went to LAN... in any other competition they would have been replaced and told tough shit the rules were lan finals.... i had already sorted out the top 3 teams at lan with their money, MM i had promised to try and organise an online finish to the tourney as i didn't want them to get screwed... after lan all the teams went inactive so i agreed to pay MM the 3rd place money as well... they then acted like retards when it came to payment, initially having the money transferred to mind who was in fact banned from the tournament, i refused to pay out anymore until the players themselves contacted me to say how they wanted paying and not 1 single person (ensam) who already pissed me off by getting the money transferred to mind.... none of the other players ever contacted me to say how they wanted paying despite me repeatedly asking.... after the mind incident why on earth would i trust ensam...
wait a sec. Ensam who won the money talked with his team and they agreed on having the money sent to mind?

rofl eVo... it doesnt matter if they want the money to go to Santa Claus, they won the money and its up to them where it goes. Doesnt matter if Mind was banned he didnt win the money ensam and teammates did. Ensam asked for the money to go to mind so hes perfectly entitled to get the money sent to mind.

When i won a sports tournament and i asked the money to be wired into an account. They dont care wether its my account or a 10 year old kids accounts from pakistan. I won the money and its up to me what happends to it.
ensam asked for his 12 euros not his teams... read!!!!
then when i said yea sure and sent it he then came back and said errr now send mine and i was like wtf who did i just send that to??
then i said i want to hear from the rest of the players before i send any more money thats the most normal thing to do ever!!!
i wasnt in the conversation so i cant know exactly what was said can i.

I fail to believe Ensam is that retarded , even for him. Its like buying something from a shop then picking up the same item and wanting it free. Noone on earth is that retarded.

but still if ensam wanted his 12 euros to go to mind thats fine. U still shell out the rest of the amount to the players.

Again i fail to see how not 1 of them pmd u to ask about the money. Obviously They talked with Ensam and wanted the money to go into his and minds accounts if none of the others pmd u.
please. im 100% sure we had chmpp and others contact you about the money and you refused to pay because miNd was involved, which shouldnt concern you at all since it's our money and we can transfer it the way we want.

how about if our players contact you now? will you pay?
they never once fucking contacted me

how about if our players contact you now? will you pay?
so can i just get clarification on this:

- you trick me initially into sending what i thought was your money to you but was actually chmpp's to be sent to mind
- you then dont follow my instructions to get the players to contact me with regards to their money
- you then flame the hell out of me
- you then create journals to flame me and try to embaress me whereby you comment with more and more flame
- you then say so now if we do what i originally asked are you going to pay?

Is that the gist of it?
i didnt trick you and it shouldnt concern you how we transfer the money. i was the captain and so i was supposed to handle money transfers - worked with CB and ESL just fine. im sure our players contacted you enough and if thats the only issue here it can still be 'fixed'.

if you kick teams from your cup, call them cheaters without any proof and dont pay them you will usually get flamed.
for starters i didn't kick you, you could attend lan and if that was the case you wouldn't be getting paid anything.
secondly i never once got contacted by your players
thirdly you specifically asked me for your 12 euros, not for chmpp's you just said can i get mine and i will get the others to contact you, then i found out that was someone else's after you told me it was transferred to mind someone who was banned from the tournament so your trust levels went straight out the window.
my comments to reload were in a private conversation i never once publicly came out and said it, it was my personal opinion and something i am allowed to have, to accuse you would assume i came out publicly and did it which i never!!!
As far as i am concerned your behaviour was and remains shocking yet i am expected to remain professional..... makes me laugh!!!
i see your reasons of removing us, it's just the way you did it that bugs me and im sure you know you fucked up too.

my behavior doesn't have anything to do with the fact you owe us prize money - lets not play the victim card here.

I'm positive that i told me players to contact you - it's irrelevant whether they did or not since it can still be done if you are willing to pay us which you obviously are not.

i still can't see how it matters if you trust me or not if the only thing you are required to do is transfer the money we won.
i will transfer the money if you and your friends are willing to actually apologise for being a bunch of dicks, no offence but 75 euros doesn't exactly mean a lot to me which is why i agreed to pay it out of my own pocket in the first place just cause i didn't like the idea of doing what the other tournaments would do which is just to replace you and say tough shit, i felt i was doing the right thing by doing that and frankly got a load of shit for my trouble which makes me far more inclined and well within my rights to then tell you where to go
i still dont buy the story about the online tournament.
dunno, just found that pic while tyoing "fight for your right" at google. just had to post that pic :)
Teams should submit a paypal account to which the money will be transfered if they win before the start of the tournament. No fuzz, just make a rule for when, who and to whom the money will be paid.
Well, ensam said that send all the money to minds' account when he asked for it. Then he suddenly raged over that and didn't give anything.

but yeah, I agree with you on that.
I understand that eVo needs permission of the entire playing team since he is responsible for them getting the money. I don't think he's right in this situation but issues like these can be avoided if they agree on one simple rule beforehand. :)
Yeah but after evo said that he needs the permission from everyone ensam said that send his 12,5e to minds account.
yer, he should've jus transferred the money.
If it was in rules or clearly said in some news that Final of that tournament is gonna take place on some lan, than I am a bit with evo in this case. If not, evo is just avoiding his duties and taking his own personal revenge
<mamut|RELOAd> or just remove Masculine mans cuz they arent coming to lan
<mamut|RELOAd> then we could play all matches on lan
<mamut|RELOAd> isnt this the best idea?
<eVo`ETM> yes it is
<eVo`ETM> but i cant just kick them
<mamut|RELOAd> well they are hacking anyway

<eVo`i> we reckon your the only ones who can beat Mans
<eVo`i> and we want a lan final
<eVo`i> not some hacking fins
The announcement of LAN-only-final came soon after MM beat Impact
thats bullshit it was in the original newspost!!! exactly the same as it was for the first season.
In the end its a decision f the team how they want to split the money and i know most people dont have paypal accounts and therefore need some friends to transfer the money via bank or cash. The admin shouldnt care about this. He gets 1 paypal account the clan leader gives him and sents the money over there and the team should do the rest. If eVo would have done it this way he wouldnt have gone into all the problems and badtalking about him which actually also looks justified concerning the fact that he had no problem of kicking out mm to replace them with his own team that just got raped by mm.

On the other hand some of these fins especially mind act like stupid brain cripples here that never added anything positive and have been retards since someone started to recognize them so giving money to these or this idiot(s) is something i wouldnt like to do either.
What he said.!
i knew it, greedy bastard
they came third they get the money, no matter which paypal they give or how they split it

nerds trolling hard
well, go to a lan and win everyone, after all ure just a bunch of suspicious fapkids winning online cups. amirite

im not sayin ure wrong tho, ofc he should send the moneyz
What the hell is the problem? just send all the price money to the captain of that finnish team and then it's for him to decide wether he send it to his finnish mates or not, or ask every person in that line up a bank account or pay pal what ever... and send the money to it. Who fucking cares if they give eVo the wrong bank account or pay pal? no man rly xD
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