Barber paradox

Barber: "I cut the hair of all those men in town, and only those men in town that do not cut their own hair."

This is a paradox for if the barber cuts his own hair, then he belongs to that group of men who cut their own hair. But that is the one grouping of men whose hair the barber does not cut. If someone else cut’s the barber’s hair, then he does not cut his own hair and the sign says that he does. Either the sign is wrong or nobody, including the barber, can cut the barber’s hair.

So, what do you think?
the pinoccio paradoxon is better... on a sidenote i doubt that paradox is the correct word...
How is it not the correct word?
not quite sure, just felt like weird... but after reading wiki it seems correct anyways:

QuoteEin Paradox(on) ist ein scheinbarer oder tatsächlich unauflösbarer, unerwarteter Widerspruch."

QuoteEs existieren verschiedene logische Formen des Paradoxons:

1. Widersprüchlichkeit als Folge der Negation von Selbstbezüglichkeit, d. h. wenn eine auf sich selbst anwendbare Aussage negiert wird.


interesting anyways :)
It's the same thing as the Epimenides paradox, who, as a Cretan, once said "All Cretans are liars".

That's not a paradox. It doesn't say they always lie, so they can speak the truth.
You're just nitpicking here.
Not really.
my math lecturer told that a few days ago, it was related to some math problem, can't remember which
Im studying Software Engineering and I got a tax to solve that problem.. funny tbh
the barber is female ;)
QuoteThis is a paradox for if the barber cuts his own hair

image: 1290366889982-NOPE
that sentence is part of his interpretation, so still valid ;)
(otherwise i opt for: "the barber just never gets a haircut")
In that case he belongs to the group of people who do not cut their own hair.

And the sign says he cuts the hair of all members of that group.
eeehm no, the sign never states the gender of the barber, so in this case the sign is valid if the barber is female.
Maybe the barber is a woman?
Maybe the barber is a bald woman?
Maybe the barber is scottish?
i dont think
barber is a sexy chick ofc.
Unless the barber is female, the sign is false because it leads to a contradiction no matter what. Simple as that.

Also even if the barber is female, she would have to cut the hair of every bald man in town, since they definitely do not cut their own hair. This makes absolutely no sense and has to be false in any real world setting.
How about this one;

A man is enjoying a pint of beer in a bar and when he's done for the night he starts walking home. Finally he gets home and climbs up a hell of a lot of stairs, turns off the light and goes to bed. The next morning he wakes up just like any other day, looks out the window, and after seeing the view from the window he commits suicide.

Why (hint: what was this man's occupation)?
He was a lighthouse operator and turning off the light caused ships to crash.
Okay maybe that was too easy :D
It´s quite the known riddle :P
what about the suicide part?
Unable to bear the guilt after seeing a fuckton of shipwrecks I guess :/
lightkeepers aint weaklings, therefore the suicide is also paradox
It couldn't be more unrelated to the original post.
The barber goes to a much better barber in another town...
problem solved!
He is from a different town?
i think barber did born in aalborg
Probably he is suffering from leukemia and is currently in a chemotherapy.
The problem's been simplified too much. The way I see it, when the barber cuts his own hair, he's not doing it as a barber, but as just another man of the village. I find it kinda hard to explain, though.

I mean, first off we need a definition for a barber: someone who cuts other people's hair or beard. So as soon as the village barber starts cutting his own hair, he "stops" being a barber and starts being just another man taking care of his looks, because you're not being a barber when you're cutting your *own* hair (as barbers only cut other people's hair).

It's the same thing with dentists for example: a dentist is someone who takes care of and treats other people's teeth. Brushing your own teeth doesn't make you a dentist, and when you're brushing your teeth you're not being a dentist but just a person taking care of their personal hygieny.
once a barber, always a barber!
Yes, just like with cheaters!
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