et on widescreen?

Somebody know if et is possible to be played on a fullscreen on widescreen monitor without stretching it? or is it just impossible
et on widescreen = best !

r_mode 4
r_displayrefresh 100

r_mode "-1"
r_customwidth "1280"
r_customheight "720"

or whatever resolution you prefer.
Also use widescreen FOV calculator to get the proper FOV.

E.g. 90° on 4:3 would be 106.27° on 16:9
hehe such a nerd thing to do :)
shaun talking about "nerd" hihi
:D I'm not nerd :) I just like video games
i wish i could use it. Nerdie game.

I'm a fov 120 user, and now i use full hd = impossible.. i would need to use 133 fov, which isn't allowed according to official cfgs! I sent a pm to EIM about allowing this at new cfg, but doesn't seem like it gonna happen :\ atleast now any time soon...
Yeah. I wish there was someone who knew their shit deciding for the configs. It's obvious there are none.
i tried it at my server, uploaded last global cfg with 140fov max, well :D awesome!! It's just a question of unlocking 1 single cvar :\ suckssssssssss
Yeah, it's yet another of those techincal things that could be changed without causing any negative effects but are not changed because the admins simply don't understand or care, or both.

For example cl_maxpackets could be set to practically any value between ~60 and 100 without causing any adverse effects - or even better, let it be as high as 125 to sync the netcode with 125fps perfectly. Also things like simpleitems - just why?
agree. We need to discuss this kind of stuff urgently at some column, but my english suck :\

Simpleitems would be great, but somehow they are right about this one. Seems like simple items can be drawn between smoke :\
Well, I've been pondering on writing some "ET explained" article where several things like this would be made clear to the community, but I need to find more things to write on to have enough content in it.

Anyhow, I don't see how seeing items through smoke would give any advantage whatsoever. I don't think I've ever been in a situation where I absolutely had to find an enemy MP40 lying on the ground but there was a smoke canister that made it harder.
at radar it's almost impossible to find a gun without simpleitems 1 :\
thats another reason for unlocking simpleitems.

i've always wondered why it is unlocked in the winter 5on5 config but forced in the 3on3 winter config.
same goes to cg_gun X Y Z , :\\\\\\
so what if they can be seen thru the smoke?

its not like only few can use simpleitmes. everybody cud be able to use simpleitems
just "quoting" the excuse admins told us. I would like to use simpleitems 1 of course, couldn't care less about smoke etc etc.
125 maxpacket isn't implemented in the ET netcode afaik, so even unlocking it in the global cfg wouldn't change anything.
Yeah, I know. That'd require a new mod. In the mean time, 63maxpackets would be almost as good.
had 19" CRT
now having 20" wide and like it moar ;)
r_mode -1
r_customheight 1080
r_customwidth 1920


impossible, and the people that give you r_mode -1 tips are just idiots that need glasses.

ET on widescreen will always be stretched.
The engine fully supports arbitrary resolutions. Only a bad FOV (i.e. using the same FOV on widescreen as you did on a 4:3 monitor) will induce stretching. That can be fixed with a widescreen fov calculator.

The HUD will be slightly stretched (most notable in the compass where the real-time drawn degree numbers on the side don't quite match the bitmap graph, because the latter is a bit stretched horizontally), but that's about it.
Show me a 1920x1080 screenshot that displays the same aspect ratio as the 1024x768 screenshot of the same moment, and I'll stand corrected.


fuck me, you are right :) I stand corrected and feel like a fucking idiot :)
Lol, no problem, everyone makes mistakes :-P
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