Zeitgeist - Moving Forward

Couple of weeks old already, but here it is anyway;

2h 41mins 25s pure content, enjoy and educate yourself:


P.S. Also check the Zeitgeist: Addendum(check Addendum first if possible, because this is like a sequel to it) + others.

P.P.S. Choose subtitles for your language and enjoy.

EDIT: Decided to add Addendum link here too, pls watch it first if possible:

A little voice inside me warns me of this being all bull.
couldnt find the song in the vid
hannes trying to educate us :P
what is it about?
It's like a sequel to Zeitgeist: Addendum, which tells and shows how this whole capitalist society is just a pyramid scheme and will end soon because of its impossibility and absurdness.

And this is so true. Its sad, really sad and sick how things are nowdays.
Yea. Watch it like few weeks ago. Got very sad. All this things are known to man, but you really dont think about them. Scary :(
Bunch of communists.
I don't need to watch a movie to know that.
All in all their are 3 Zeitgeist movies.

Here the main page: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/

Its important to know stuff for the future imo.

e: use youtube searchfunktion for your subtitle, some are even dubbed for i.e. german
Nice movies =) but dont take it all to serious.
yes getting paranoia cause of it would be wrong but its allways good to be informed and warned.
evil bunnies will attack the earth within 5 years

hey, it might be bullshit.. but its always good to be informed and warned.
this you have now from legalice the chemical drugs in Netherlands!
Die capitalist DIE DIE DIE!
serious stuff..saw the first zeitgest some time ago, was the best one ive seen so far
o..and the 911 mysteries too...god damn america
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