boreness in hospital

after i got operated on friday ... i am pretty bored here in hopsital ..

so please, entertain me :)

btw: operations on the nose is quite horrible -.-
You was playing Friday night though?
uhm, no mate, i ot operated at 10 o'lock in the morning and yesterday i began using my netbook, so there was no time to play all night long
:D, nick fakers wonna be's:P
ofc, i'm a famous guy.
What about the nurses? Any good? Young hot girls reporting in? :S
My mother used to work @ hospital and she's hot too, so wondering about your hospital :/
only one nurse is quite cute, but she has a bitchy chsaracter ..
Doesn't matter, go for it.
you have to look at me ... i look like as muhammed ali beat my nose :D

but she has free today :(
What happened to your nose? Why have you been operated? :(
Hack into the hospital files to search for her number or just ask for it hehehe :PP
my nasa septum( middle wall in the nose i dont know how to explain it easier) had to get correctly straight and my nasa concha to get smaller.

image: P132101_08-12-09-400x250

image: NasenOP_1
Looks fucked up man. Take care and hope you get well soon :))
on wednesday i'm getting outta of these plates and then i'm ill for the next 2-3weeks and then i'm fit!
Enough time to enjoy playing games :)
Try to fuck a nurse, they are hot!
Play some haxball, do some programming, install ET and modify it using the pk3 files... change sounds to some funny shit and models to new stuff....
Code funny .dlls that make you see stuff through walls!
haxball is a quite good idea :*
sup m8? some niggers beat u?
nope :( i just didnt get air through my nose.
ahh, thats not a big deal
ye it's kinda okay, but the first night with the tampons in the nose is really horrible.
how many nights you spent with them ? :D
poor you :(
thanks god, i just had to spent one night with them, but i have plates in the nose with a small paths where i'm able to breath through.. if i'd stop blooding x)
Did you have a flu or what?
Well, why couldn't you get air through your nose then?
Next step: getting negro?
i am whiter as white atm.
ofc.. but now ur Nose job is done you just need to recover from that then its just lets get negro!
alright man, let's get negro!
Damn, shit, i've got same with my nose.. i still can breath well.. but hell no..
This looks kinda insane.

Tell more about this operation..
How did it feel afterwards.. (hurt/nohurt)?
in case of inactivity of this topic i'm going to speak german:

also: die operation hat keineswegs weh getan - war ja unter vollnarkose ^^ danach hatte ich immernoch keine schmerzen sondern nur ein drücken wegen den tamponaden (das is das schlimmste an der ganzen operation). sind echt OB tampons und joa ... drück dir die nase zu un versuch so zu schlafen, so war die erste nacht bei mir. wenn se am nächsten tag draußen sind is das das geilste gefühl seit langem ^^ dann wirst du i.d.R. nach der 2. nacht entlassen und 5 tage später bekommste schon die "fäden gezogen" also bei mir wars nur eine naht die die schiene samt röhrchen (zum atmen) festhalten.

naja bei mir isses nun eine woche un paar tage vorbei und ich kann mittlerweile wieder fast schnäuzen und es fühlt sich ganz gut an.

alles in allem is die operation und heilung n easy going, keine schmerzen ^^
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