Final Menu Project #2

Hey,I´m working on my last menu.
I give futher details of functions.

Find Player

As the name says,it´s new function,what works well.
Here is picture of button:
image: 110960934-4

This is what it currently looks like.
Type the name what are you looking for into SEARCH CRITERIA and press Search.
Now it search of servers what you have loaded in main serverlist.
image: 110960916-4

I used .EA# tag name.
So here is how it looks:

image: 110960923-4

Now I clicked into .EA#NoDownload and used button "Server info"

image: 110960930-4

It show that our looked tag is there.
If you wanna join with player/friend.Then press Join server.

I hope you like it.
Also I need ideas for menu. for screenshots

Xfire: Dupstep
Or PM to me.
lol wasting of time.
No lol,it´s 1 minute work and I´m currently working on new ET mod,what should own all mods,even TC:E and FalconET and...ETpro!!.
Sometimes I even awacome myself!
Would like to see something 'fresh', keep doing your job!
least he's done something remotely useful. I do like your approach tho, just critizise everything that you've got no clue about.
i never use that menu:D
no one does lol
Cool thing, but wouldn't really use it anyway.
Xxfire does this for you. Most players from crossfire aren't using tagged names or their real names in public servers anyway. Nice job on making a well working feature but it isn't that much of an addition to the game.

Gl, with your new mod though.
theres couple of nice stuff u cud do that could actually be usefull if u are bored:D
updating etpro ?
he cant do that.
Because whoever (cant remember his nick) did etpro is a cunt and didnt make the code open
afaik bani did make it open
It's not open source
no he didnt.
ppl always whines about stuff that could be done in et i cba to look up for them. though nowadays is more whine towards et's format.

still he could do some external aplications which are et related, i saw once on some threats cool ideas, too bad i cant remember them.
make project reality for ET
looks pretty good
well i have never used this menu since 2005 but keep your work up. but maybe you should put your ambition and effort into other projects like "updating" etpro, creating finally a usefull 5v5 competition map a.s.o. :)
Well done, looks awesome. This coding must of been quite complex, nice to see it. Would request for a new HUD (minimum stuff), move it around, new images for weapons and new menu system would be good also. Get rid of profiles aswell, no need (for me anyway).

Remove ALL unneeded code (commented code also).

For a new ET (I know you're working on another engine is this)
- New models (same guys, different uniforms)
- New weapon models (same guns, different model)
- New menu
- Buddy system / server manager
- More options for graphical changes (and remove cvar limits on some items)
- Add more colour options for name / text done using HEX iirc
- Fix api problems with minimising with Windows Vista / Windows 7
- New loading screen / bar
- New sounds on menu, higher quality weapon sounds
- Fix the leaning... make a leaning player visible (model rework)
Thanks for suggestions.
The engine will have DX9,DX10 and DX11 modes.
Ne wloading screens ofc.
Sounds of curse new.
New system from Bad Company 2
You earn ingame ETcoins,so you can buy weapons..etc.
COOLIO, you doing this project yourself?
Not all.
GFX is made by Scenna and sounds by Iwinity Ward team.
And models by FalcK
Cool, how many years of experience you got in coding?
Something like year,1,5 year with engine coding and I´m learning coding too in school atm.
BC2 is frostbite engine, noway near to idtech3 >_>
Yes,but Overdoes engine is from idtech2,impressive eh.
even the early stage of idtech can be pumped up to be as decent as BC2 is today :-\
add to it Et: Xreal and we got almost new really good game
After ET Xreal project was closed,I got soucre,and I started projecting it.
Now 4 months working on it,it has lot new features,lot reality features as in Cryengine 2 and I´m thinking to add 3D support and AMD Eyefinity
Take it slow man, work on the main things first, many months and remember to RELEASE TESTS!!! This is why mods fail and people don't show interest.
Yep,I have thinked on that.
Somewhere April..or May start,not usre,I ill relase beta version
you can also release beta version just show ppl how its going
Seems really interesting...Good luck on your project Duppy
Cool thing, but wouldn't really use it anyway.
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