
So i'm travelling to barcelona in 2 weeks, and i arrive by plane at barcelona airport.
Which of you tapas guys can tell me what is the best way to travel to barcelona centre ? :o
on the metro, i just came back from barcelona last week and you only really have to wait 4mins max for subway train
I know the metro in barca is perfect, was there few ago ...
But i came from Gerona airport with a bus, now i want to land in barcelona itself.
trains, is cheap it was like 3 euros to get to the center from the airport, im not sure though. to move around use the metro its really good.

take a train from the airport to sants estacio, then there u can catch the metro and move around the city, u never really have to wait for a subway train.
take a arsenal shirt with you
hf in catalonia :)
tapas guys

take a arsenal shirt with you
just get the "A1" bus from airport, will bring u to city center in just 15 minutes. pmme if u want some more help about the city :p
ramblas are epic
barca is a nice place! hf
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