finally my new watch was deliverd at juweler!!!

image: 26190

rolex datejust II, had to wait 3,5 fucking months for it cause the juweler I go to forgot to order it ..... dick

but now i have it! YAY!

my first rolex :D
make sure she is wearing my rolex
inb4 niga stealin it with ur arm and kidney
how much did u pay?
mine is way cheaper and shows what time is it aswell:PP
Why would you pay that much for a watch?
I like how it looks and I always wanted a Rolex, and now I had the chance to get the model I really wanted for quite a cheap offer(its normally +- 3500-4000 euro) and since I had money put in different bank account for savings I decided to get it :P one thing i can cross off my list of wants in life :D
Oh well.. I'm happy for u then :-)
up, your, own, ass.
gz 500 ,- Rolex
I was given one for my 18th birthday but I only put it on once. Sounds stupid but I really don't want to mark it or anything!
I will smash your face in you kangaroo prick!
lmao i miss u
I miss you too but I miss CIA more :<
yea they are sick pieces. I won't wear it alot either, except for high-classed parties etc. And if I need to impress someone :P like a new boss at interviews in the future :P then its a nice moment to put it on
I have something called the explorer or something similar to that sorta name. I have never really been a big follower of rolex but it we a pretty nice birthday present!
Yes thats very similar to it. Though mine is like less chrome and has a green line around the outside.
this is a "default" :P explorer 1 you probably got a version of this :P
Yea its deffo the 1st version I just googled the new one and its not that model
one step forward to be a real gangster
i'd really love to punch you in the face right now
haha was waiting for someone to say that :D


what exactly is the story behind this? did they adopt to their customers (lower class spending their pension savings for a rolex) or what
waste of money
pretty fucking ugly to be honest
saw better rolexes
fkin ugly watch .. fits you.
arent you the one already owning supercars ?

Btw this one looks just like it has been thought for the elders.
one of the best looking watches i saw :) thers one of james bond or smthn around 8-11k euros, that ones looks better, dont rly follow watches, should be called smthn like that tho, nice purchase :> whats time time? :D
watch ? who need fucking watch ? i can check time at my nokia
its 2011, who the fuck owns a nokia?
whats wrong with nokia ? i dont like big superfons like all ppl got nowadays
pretty nice
what do you do for a living to have 1.4k€ to spare for nothing but a prestige object (as a 19yo)? no offense meant, but i just don't get it.
My thoughts.
there will always be snobs in life. And he is one of them.

I would buy something which you could wear, like a armani suit for that money. not some stupid ass watch which shows time, which you look on your mobile phone anyway
not my taste :S

Even if it's way cheaper and stuff I prefer my lovely festina
and now buy a watch that u actually gonna wear
ur so business man

if i'd see rolex on some 19y/o, only 2 thoughts:

either fake either stolen from some1
Nice watch,always wanted a Tag Monaco so bought 5 replica watches from this site for the same money,really top quality,jap and swiss movements,stainless steel etc so np
i got this one

image: rolex-submariner
never needed a watch, got my phone
Don't like them, remind me of an old man watch. Something Richard Gere would wear, not really that nice.
nice fake watch from turkey

my dad bought one from switzerland for 60k, np
i've got an armani watch for 1200 euros but i actually always wear a 200euro Seiko watch because im so scared the armani one will break/get stolen or w/e :p
how can your watch get stolen?
i dont know:D but i ment like loosing it and someone will take it, im just scared to wear it:P
i know what u mean, i wear a 110e jetset watch usually or one of my tw.steels as they fit more to my "clothing style" the rolex is more for like networking-parties etc :P
buying a watch and never wear it only to brag about it sometimes......... nerds
looks fucking average, i dont see any sense in wasting so much money on something which looks so normal.
Wow! You just wasted 1500€ on a watch I could get for ~100 Euros. Get a car jeez...
Facepalm.. Why the fuck would you spend so much money on a watch... I'd understand it if you were 40year old business man who cant figure out where to spend his money. But your age... Couldnt figure out anything better to spend on?
You are a fucking pancake for buying a rolex. In what way besides it's function and the status upgrade is it worth buying a € 1450 watch? I hope you get mugged and go mental.
most shitty way to waste a money. gg
never liked rolex, nothing special and really overpriced

my watch:
image: skagen-745ssxr-womens-swarovski-crystal-stainless-steel-watch

does whats needed, tells time and looks nice + quite subtle so ok to wear whenever, and only costs around £80
got 6 watches, once you get a nice watch, you want more and more!
now dont throw it against ur mom
Sad goal in yr life imo :o..
Nice watch tho :p!
its not a "goal" to own a rolex :P its a want

goals are like wanting to become a prof soccerplayer or becoming a pilot
Kinda milestone though imho, nice watch is something to be proud of! I'll get something nice when I have the money, probably not a rolex though unless I can afford 10/15k on one..

gz btw! :D
my list of wants.. Oke adeto, da vindk goed genoeg :D.
Tis een mooie chick magnet :)
image: 10737

this is my one
Possibly the biggest waste of money I have ever seen.

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