national commercials? :)

well as i was sitting on the couch and have seen once again one of my absolute favourite german commercial today i was wondering what kind of good / nice looking / funny commercial do you have in your country?

this one is from the a german health insurance called "DVK". first slogan in the com. "(holds until 7 a.m.)", second slogan "(holds the whole live)".

i could laugh my ass off, especially because of his face and that monkey^^
all are pretty fucking retared and thats why i hate TV
i dont watch commercials
i think dunz is mad

its about this guy named "nobody" and then the whole commercial is like "nobody goes to the dentist everyday" "nobody likes to watch TV when its on stand-by"

this is the only commercial i literally was crying with laughter with.
hehe, seems as nobody wants to be alone?^^
all the Finnish commercials are either lame, bad acting or randomness that you wouldn't understand
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