Anyone ever tried teeth whitening?

I've tried teeth whitening for a couple of times, i mean
If you do this at a dentist you get perfect whitning at once but the cost is around 200-300 euro insane in my book!!!!

So i order a home teeth whitening for 20euro,
I did the whintnig for 4-5 times now and the first time i had to sit for 30 min the other times i had to sit for almost 2 hours but tottally worth it

Today i did my last whitning and its perfect white now :)

anyone ever tried?

Its worth it!!
Yeah i mean who wants white teeths... its gay, i mean fuck.. i want my girls with yellow teeths oterwise they can gtfo
there's a difference between clean teeth and whitened teeth.

clean teeth => clean, healthy
whitened teeth => make you a homo

also, it's easy to notice if someone has whitened teeth. it makes you look like friggin' douche aswell.

conclusion, you = douchy homo
its teeth or tooth not teeths :p
home teeth whitening? never heard of it:p
Haha, Its a moththingi and a gel and u can whitning them at home =D awesome
think it wouldn't last long:p
how long you have it now?:P It's weird that you can go to the dentist and it will cost 500 euros so get your teeth white, while you can buy some stuff for 20 and do it yourself.
Well, at the dentist you get them white at the first time, at home u have to use it daily for a couple of times and 2 hours everytime to get them white,

I've had white teeth for a couple of weeks now and everytime i feel like getting them whiter i just use that product again :) but i havent noticed a misscolour on them
obvious homo is obvious
does it affect the "health" of your teeth in any way ?
No :) Just goggle teeth whitening and i'll guess you will find plently of infos,

I orderd my whitning from a toothgel company without any kinda of oxid(or wierd stuff in it)
Dosent affect the teeths at all, beside whitning :) feels good and stronger afterwards

and i mean i got 95%white teets at 4-5 times at a price of 20euro :P and u can use this product for atleast 10-15 times haha
it does badly
Yes if it does PLEASE inform me with how it is bad?

I mean i have the product in my hand i can see everything that is in this product but you clearly know its bad?

PLEASE what did i miss?
awww gay :/
After thousands liters of cola, my teeth are natural white
*thumbs up*
whitening tooth paste does work but it wont get you a hollywood white
Its not tooth paste, Its a whitning product you get a mouththingi and a gel and youll use it for 2 hours at the time,

I have no idea how they get the whitning in hollywood, i guess a dentist, and this product is not ofc better then the dentist but its really good for the price and u get really white teeths
did you edit your journal, thought you were asking what to use :Dd
Haha no did not :P
just paint it white :S
home teeth whitening is pretty fucked up cause ur enamel is very likely to get damaged, but if u can do it right it's good
Not sure how it works in other parts of Europe, but if you get your teeth "scraped" in the dentist they turn white as can be. It only costs 70 euro
thats just a professional cleaning by the dentist, nothing to do with whitening
Ye, but works just as good, it also gets rid of all the plaque shit
smoker? x]
I brush my teeth
Just brush your teeth you lazy bugger.
you wont the same white shine
So what? What kind of guy wants his teeth to shine and glare?
bezuc it looks better and girl like fresh theeths
so you'd rather date a girl that likes you for your white teeth, than a girl that likes you for who you are?
first of all
no one just care about the inside of the person.

The look of the person gives the opportunity that you wanna know what kind of person it is and the inside of her/him.
fool.. seeing everyting so onesided
first of all, he`d rather date a boy, who whitens his teeth as well
Basically you're saying the girls that are interested in you like you for being fake.

Absolutely nothing wrong with white teeth that got that way in a natural way but whitening teeth, come on.
U guys are actually stupid as hell?!?!

Its not a fake body/face or anything just becouse you whitning ur teeth,
It gives you a healtier look and a (sexier) smile what is wrong with that?

I'd rather date a girl with white teeth and it dosent really matter in what whey they are white as long as it is healty...
and i agree with alexL
No, you're a metrosexual twat, that's all. Get real.
Richard Hammond.
i tried ciggarettes. i got teeths of gold now.
orange teeths = legendary teeths.. white teeths you can just sell
you wanna look on photos like niggers in the night?

whoops, afroamericans ofc
What if they don't live or come from America? Are they AfroBritish? AfroAfricans? AfroJamiacans? AfroNorwegians, AfroNegro?
It's teeth, not teeths. Plural .
SwedenSweden once again managed to surprise me by being the gayest country on the planet. And I already knew they were pretty gay. Impressive!
oh come one, do you live in a cave or what, nothing gay with wanting to have white teeth? :P
no, wanting white teeth is fair enough, but actually whitening them is something else :P
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