Monitor to Laptop

Thought I'd ask here first

Considering a monitor for my laptop and the only connection on the laptop is vga and HDMI

So is it possible to get 120hz from a monitor in either one of those connections?

ty x

e: still possible from DVI to HDMI?
I have my CRT plugged into my laptop and there was/is no problems
hdmi yes yes

if I'm not wrong most laptops give you only 60hz on external monitor - even though I am not an expert
hdmi yes, but only a few laptop gfx-cards support 120hz
the monitors got DVI connection, and as my laptop doesnt have that type, I would have to get a cable from DVI to vga/HDMI and was wondering whether this will still play 120hz?

my gfx card is NVIDIA GeForce 9700M GTS
yeah, both hdmi and dvi has digital singal = success! iirc..

check nvidia's site whether the card supports 120hz (3d-ready)
kk ty for help :)
yes NC master, both if the monitor got both
hdmi yeah, but some laptop gfx-cards dont support 120hz
play me i will rape your ass
learn to fucking play quake then back to me with pm
Too low, you're not worth it
how do u know? i easily could beat u on every possible map newschool
I just know I do, Polandfucker.
afaik VGA won't give you 120hz with a 3d monitor
Look what i wrote to maza ^

but im not going to use the 3d setting on the monitor even if it has one, just want a external monitor which gives 120hz so i dont have to use my laptop one
I mean i think with my monitor a Viewsonic 120hz widescreen, if u use the vga cable the hz is capped at 75hz, with the dvi u can use 120hz or 100 or 110 w/e. Im not 100% sure about this cba to check :D, but no idea if the hdmi will help either, so u might be screwed i dunno.
k cheers mate :)
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