life thoughts

sometimes when u pee the pee goes evrywhere and theres no way u can control that shit, it spills all over the place, but most of the times when u pee it goes just fine? why sometimes our dick wants to fuck us up?

random quote:

Jonasty: man
Jonasty: u know this
Jonasty: spicy meat thing called mexicano
Jonasty: nono
Jonasty: the meat
Jonasty: thing
Jonasty: u put in the microwave
Jonasty: or get in the snackbar
Jonasty: ?
bober: i dno the sppicys name but eyeh probs i ate it
bober: i like spicy shit
bober: is for rel man
Jonasty: hate it
Jonasty: just had to shit
bober: u a fag
Jonasty: and my anus was on fire
Jonasty: like
Jonasty: really burning
Jonasty: cuz of the spicyness
XD nice quote
There may be dried cum blocking the flow and causing the piss to exit the dickhole at an abnormally high pressure, leading to misdirections. But that's just my guess.
u are wise man
I kneel on the ground and piss when this happens. I can unload at full pressure without giving a shit.
once i start peeing the pleasure of peeing is too big for me to stop peeing.
you don't sit down and pee? and after you finish you don't wash your penis with water? dirty stuff
the fuck? i wash my hands after peeing

and mans are superior to women because we can stand while peeing. im not fucking undergrading myself to sitting down on a toilet to pee.
urine contains alot of bacteria, and if you don't wash your penis after it, then its dirty stuff...
Urine is healthy. I drink it once every 2 weeks or so to keep my immune system clear.
once i saw someone on TV who said and did that, but

R U SRS ?! Oo
lol nerd :((((
man its hilarious.

anus on fire:DD
hey vriend van joris
Yu! Die gast zie je ook nergens meer he
msn heel soms :P
Als je em spreekt zeg maar dat ie nen lapzwans is van me, en dat ik em altijd klaarde op CYBERGAMES. Jij zat samen met em in een clan toch?
ja, in 2-3 verschillende zelfs :p heb lang met m gespeeld :)

zal de boodschap overbrengen als ik m zie !
Member For: 1 year and 0 days
sup core&uniqe/
when i was core uniqe u were new to jaymod maybe???

and core& shit is like new shit i was way b4 in Pro` alredy-.-
I know, the newschool in jaymod is you between us m8 :/
wut?:d re-phrase
cba to make an understabable sentence, way too tired. Just meant that i'm playing jaymod since longer than you.
nah u arent, when i was playing jaymod it was about many years ago like 5? or dno when the mod was made... was playing in BBQ server or smth it was american then splash made tha Pro' clan, temaru was there and shit with the old SL then i went to .55...

after i joined them, then like a year later they made core&. Back on the core times u were still bad on jaymod, u were with us on the server "fanboying" (not as offence:P u got good eventually) when we were admins and shit, i cant remeber what nick u had tho i remebr u used the black color! tho thats real recent stuff, those were my final days to jaymod, my final days to jaymod where when u were starting to learn "fragging" like the core& guys:P

tho we can check that out if u dont belive ive been there twice your time:P tell me whats your first nick on jaymod..
i'm actually playign jaymod since the first week ET has been release.. so your argument is invalid ( no offence ). Yeah that's true, was kinda "fanboying" the Pro* guys at this time, cause never seen such good fraggers before, always played for fun during like 3 years, in a quite unknown server :)
yeh well there was no jaymod the first week et was released...

only way we can fix this is by saying your nick, i already found mine.

and im talking about jaymod only, b4 jaymod i was doing etpub on a server called whosgaming, (thats even older times) but we are talkign about jaymod!
Think it was Tank, or UNCLE TANK, can't remember the first name i've used, changed it too many times.
yes, tank that was the nick i didnt remember. thats the nick u used to hang with in our severs.

1032 days old nick.. mine is 1513. belive me i was there waaaaaaaaaaay b4 and its not liek im proud, its just retarded that ur saying that since when u were learning how to kill noobs on jaymod i was learning how to scrim already;p
I said, i wasn't sure that it was my first name. But look, i started ET when i was 10 and a half. I'm 17 and a half now, profit? You can search " valpertui" for a name if you want. was the name of my friend who introduced me in ET!
well the guy who introduced u to et his nick is as old as my nick i used to start with jaymod (his is like few days older)

my etpub nick is about 2 years older than 1500 days. its not even on sl anymore.
Well, i was playing during the same time as him! :P
yeh and thats when u started. the nick im saying which is as old as your mate is not my oldest et nick, thast the first nick i used on jaymod when i was getting good at it.
haha wtf :d saw some guys connecting to a etpro public once from the pro* clan many years ago and they were the worst players I ever saw :DD
never talked about etpro lol
so basically you are telling me they were skilled with shotgun double airstrikes and poison needles? cool.
yeh it was like a fragging clan, killing +120 persons on a public of 50 persons with ppl that only knew how to move forward and prone.
how do you know you're playing longer than someone else? :)
cause one day, on our old forum, we all told our ET history, and i think i remember quite well that uniqe started to play this game after me :) Doesn't mean he's bad or anything
no ofc not, especially since you're talking about some lowskillers mod.
Jaymod is fun man, like it or not, every one got his own taste :)
oh ofc it was fun. just a mod for noobs. like the random public mods on cod4 where the players think they are professional gamers.
:D indeed :P never said i was any good there!
wrong, about the forum, i remebr seeing that post when i was no longer in the clan. belive me on that dude:d u aint older on jaymod and those stupid mods than i am XD
anyway, useless to argue :P Don't really care tho lol
yeh well im right on that one, when i was on top of being good in jaymod u were starting to be good, concidering your improvement u did now it does not make sense, if u are this old why u were this bad back then with tank as name when i was already good.
well, i wasn't playing really actively, and i was playing for fun only, also i was a kid, doesn't make the things easy, was whinning quite much, frustration and stuff! i started to improve when i started to play on Armia Krajowa server ( no idea if you remember this ), after that i moved between FAG server and Pro* one :P Then eTv*, ETc|, F|A..
yeh obviously i remeber that server, thats all pretty new stuff back then the only decent server there were was FAG(.55) and BBQ(.6b) then liek 3 years after all those armaia krajowa, eTv servers came in... but FAG server is the one where Pro' were playing, and only good jaymod sever there was. (when splash and spike where leaders and tahst relatively new aswell, and thats about 3 years b4 i ever saw your nick tank)
yup :P well, that's the good old times, not like now :) jaymod is full of shit, and there isn't any decent servers anymore.
some months ago i tried to do a comeback but i got banned from all the servers i anyhow liked.
I know i remember :D saw you on WOOD :D
fucking jaymodders
mad cuz u failed at getting high on sl?
mad cuz u get low ppm?
my ppms were high as fuck shadap
die in a protest noob
i totally will.
what old apple have said
id probably say your dick has kinda curled up in your pants thus fucking the urethra up temporarily. fucking hate when that happens
'cheating in a clan match.' your comments are invalid.
bober: i like spicy shit
bober: is for rel man

you like eating spicy shit?
love that shit
Thats what happen when u talk about Mexicans
I just read your story with papi, amazing shit going on around here :~>
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