movies you just have to see?

What are the movies you just have to see?
Like Titanic or scarface??
Underworld trilogy
Plus fucking one.
Schindlers List.

Can't see any reason somebody just "has to see" Titanic or Scarface.
Those are just movies that 99% of the people saw.
havent seen either if them, im so proud now!
you suck go watch scarface
im not that much into mafia movies :D btw i just destoryed afa 5-2 or smth :D
The Green Mile
Pulp Fiction

Forrest Gump

The Shawshank Redemption

Green Mile

The Godfather (still on my to-do list)
Did some Godfather marathon once + watched the entire extras CD afterwards, took me about 7-9 hours I believe :_D
lol, i did that with dexter, watch 4 seasons in like 7 days
LOL, isn't an average episode around 40 mins ? And an average season around 17 episodes ? The fuck dude :D If I would have had the time, I would have done the same for how I met your mother tho. Altho I recall my Naruto marathon. Winter vacation, watched about 120 episodes in 2 weeks I believe, haven't been as nolifing as that before.
ye but for some reason, i enjoyed every second of it:P

its way better than watching 1 episode a week
true dat, I hate it when I watch an entire TV show till I suddenly see the next episode is next week. And then I'm like, ffs, gotta find another thing to watch now :(
this sounds so familiar ;p
Watched 10 seasons of Stargate SG-1 in a row :D That was loooong :D

If watched countinously it would take 5 days and some hours :D:D
:D Guess you gained some kilo's like I did :D Besides the occasional diners I practically survived on Ice Tea, cookies & chocolate.
Dark City
They Live
The Obama Deception.
The Usual Suspects,pulp fiction,Green Mile,Memento
who are those 2 actors in the middle picture sitting in the middle both of em
Don't tell me you haven't seen Back To The Future.
Ah a young Billy Zane image: phantom
no i havent :D wasnt planning on it also, is it good? compare it to an equally good movie maybe that'll give me a sort of view on the movie
Goodfellas that's all
remember the titans
Most of imdb's top 250
Movies that you "just have to see" would include stuff like Matrix and Star Wars.. mainstream stuff that you would get insta-bullied for if you didn't see already =D

but watch Léon and Taxi Driver.
dont make fun of the matrix, thats genious!
hey I'm not bashing the matrix :p just saying that's the type of instant classic that I would consider to be a "must see", like Titanic or Scarface. That's what he was asking for, no? :o

Gladiator, Jaws, Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones etc.
kk, just sounded like it :]
With my friends it's the exact opposite. If you HAVE seen for example the entire Star Wars series & know quite a lot about it, you'll get instabullied --' Goddamn shit school I'm going at :(
lol, I guess you would be considered a bit of a nerd knowing a lot about star wars in particular but watching the entire star wars series? definitely nothing wrong with that, more or less mandatory imo :D and that includes most of these classics. I just recently watched Casino and Goodfellas and it's definitely nothing i'm proud of :D should've watched them a long time ago
well, by saying you know a lot about Star Wars, it's actually for example that when you know the name of a certain character, it would already make you a Star Wars genius at my school :p
the matrix was one of the smartest movies i've ever seen.
only first part of matrix is good... no need to watch the rest...
You had a lcd 120hz screen right? How is it? Was in some store today and maybe I'm also going to buy a new screen.
ye, it's good.. after playing with 120hz you can't go back =)
Such a difference between lcd 75 and lcd 120hz? Also with watching movies? And what about widescreen and normal? Planning to buy a widescreen. But not sure about it yet.
the difference between 75 and 120 is huge imo, it's not like it would necessarily give you a skillboost of some sort in games, but it's just so much more smooth. I get insta eyecancer if I play with 75 now. As for movies, no idea, rarely watch movies on my computer.

I was thinking about playing with 800x600 @ 4:3 aspect ratio (black borders) when I switched from 19" to this widescreen, but I decided just to play with 1920x1080 and it works just as good. You just have to make some slight changes to fov and sens.
Any recommendations on where to order that BenQ one ?
no idea about belgium :p
but in sweden you can buy it at most hardware stores for like 395 euros
Purty expensive :D Perhaps I'll look for a cheaper 120 Hz, altho it prolly will never reach the results the BenQ one will deliver :(
The next Three days
Gives you such a rush
Downloaded it yesterday, but it's a bit like Law abiding citizen right?
yup, en das ook een niet te misse film :P
I just love that guy his voice :D The one telling how to do, forgot his name :C
Liam Neeson I suppose. Also the voice of Aslan in the Narnia series if I'm right :)
Polanski movies made in hollywood...

Steve McQueen movies...

top 10 from imdb
Tokyo! is good in my opinion.
Into The Wild
Lost In Translation
Fight Club
Citizen Kane
scarface is shit, can't believe it has such a fanbase
Leiutajate küla Lotte :P
The Warriors
The Big Lebowski.
Die stem is zo irritant van die gast. Heb één keer een film gezien met hem als hoofdrol speler. En het was toevallig een thriller, en nu vond ik die komedie al niks meer aan.
This and 'Office Space' my favorite movies.
liar liar
Titanic & scarface
Transformers and Bad Boys of course
Amazing, nobody mentioned Gladiator :o
We got Spartacus these days, no need for gladiator!
Man every single movie where hans Zimmer has created the music is legendary!
Never Back Down!
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Fight Club is simply awesome !
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