LCD 120 hz

Any good alternative for the BenQ XL2410T LCD 120 Hz screen, since it's pretty expensive :D

image: innocence
My profile although it's not the best... But its the most cheap full hd one here at Portugal!
fullhd isnt really the advantage you know :D
depends, i really want a full hd screen because i also watch some movies, so why not?
What's wrong with fullhd?
well for 24'' is normal, but i was thinking on 22 monitors, higher resolution needs better hardware for gamer. and 1680x1050 on that size is just fine,and better than 1920.and nowadays all monitors are 16:9 with that res
How does a slap in the face sound ?
zijn er niet denk ik, miss 2e hands

als je persee 120 hz wil spelen, waarom geen crt dan?
Voor de kwaliteit van films etc :)
du kan kwaliteit van film med crt
oh ok :P nou succes met zoeken
Samsung 2233RZ, very price worthy 120hz monitor and it also supports nVidia 3D. The obvious choice if you dont want to buy the BenQ monitor :)

I got the Samsung and im more than satisfied, even if i havnt tried the 3D on it yet.
seems to have some nice reviews :) Ordering it, tnx
i got it too.

nice monitor, you wont regret it.
viewsonic vx2268wm 22'' 3D-ready 2ms 120hz. I have it & its awesome, price around 250 € atm :o
not full hd ;/ else i would think about getting it..

but honestly.. whats all about that 120hz stuff?

i play for years on my laptops LCD.. no idea how much HZ it has and i dont rly care as i can play all games without any glitches or problems. So why would i invest 100€ more to have 120hz when i wont recognize any difference?

i thought about buying this one:
Samsung SyncMaster BX2250

22" or 24"".. not sure but i guess 22" because i have no place on my table :P
Trust me, the difference is more than noticeable. I even enjoyed ET more when i got my new screen, your game is so much smoother with 120hz than 60/75hz. Since your screen update faster, the only time u will see screen tearing is if u got unstable fps, My computer is shit and i cant run 125 stable (not even inside delivery) But from my 75hz screen to the 120hz screen it almost felt like i had stable 125 fps.

To express me in a kinda dumb sounding way, it increases your fps. No matter what computer u've got :)
hmm i might order one, try it out and if i dont like it send it back :P

i just wonder if it will work without problems to have my laptop as second screen and the monitor as primary screen and then when plugin everything off and going to work with laptop, to automatically have the laptop screen as primary one.

and i wouldt propably kinda fuck up my current desktop arrangement.
Well if u going to use the laptop screen and monitor as two screens i think u would like to keep ur desktop on the laptop screen to keep the same resolution. Since most desktop apps move when u change resolution. But unplugging screen for when ur going to work shouldn't be a problem at all, especially if u use the monitor as second screen (without desktop or how u call it). Or you just use a docking station which always is connected to the screen so u just simply place the laptop in it and use just one screen.

But i dont know what u do on your computer either, If you just game for fun sometimes maybe a monitor with more focus on making things pretty is your thing :)

I got a switch for my main computer and laptop, but i use just the main screen.

I think this switch is very good and could be something u would invest. I got this switch and then a docking station for my laptop, so when i get home i just place my laptop in the docking station, press the start button on it. Then i press SCROLL lock twice and then ENTER to switch to the laptop. Then im maybe downloading something on the main computer i just press the same keys and screen mouse keyboard and speakers switches to the main computer. And u can ofc chose to just switch screen or just speakers.
hmm true.. i would have to use the laptosp screen as primary screen then :S

nah i guess i will just go for a 2ms full hd led screen (Samsung SyncMaster BX2250) and keep playing on my laptop screen. worked for me well like that for some years already so i dont see point in changing it :> i also dont rly play that much anymore too.
Ye i guess so :p

That screen look good :) i think you should play ET on that screen too, probably better that your laptop screen!
read me reply to kNas and tell me please why 120hz lcd when i play on a 60hz laptop screen for years without and ghosting and w/e.

Want to buy another monitor too (actually just for having more space on my pc desktop and make working easier.. but if 120hz would rly make an "advantage" or is healthier for the eyes or what ever :P then i might get a 120hz one and make it to my primary screen and my laptop to my secondary screen.. altough that would be completly against my plan ! :( ).

When I got my 120hz BenQ and played couple of first matches, I was like "wow this is almoust as good as my old broken shit CRT". So there really is the difference, I tried to play with 71fps and 120hz and it was the worst experience in my life. I just can't imagine people playing 125fps and 60hz(though it might be better than 71 and 120).
basically its like playing on a CRT monitor

if you havnt tried that...youre gonna love it tbh
Acer GD245HQ @ 120Hz + 3D wont regret that buy :D
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