CF = Music Community
27 Feb 2011, 15:17
I finished my first Drum and Bass / Dubstep Mix.
Length of 33:43 Minutes (finest DNB)
You can download it if you like to!
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nicely done
it mostly doesnt hear well when you put same artist in a row, its like i could've taken random album, shuffle the tracks and listen it with crossfade + random playing with equalizer during the track.
so you haven't even noticed all the bonus acapella stuff and the editing? lol
i just mean i didnt like so much stuff from qemists in one mix, their dnb is not deep, it doesnt have what dnb should have for me, thats what i mean :P its too similair to pendulum for me.
Ich höre deine Musik (hähä) und Ich liebe ABER ICH MUSS SAGE DEINE MUTTI BECAUSE Ich kann nicht Deutsch sprachen.
Now I am happy.