sup mapping contest

Any new maps yet? Screenshots? :DD even if it's paint :((

]image: randcomix_1993-12-21
I made a quite good sketch, but Im unable to convert it to a map since I have never really worked with gtkradiant :(
send it to me, I consider entering with a second project if its a good idea and I can keep up with my mapping speed. You would probably get a small part of the prize if it wins, but tbh the sketch is 1/100 the workload of the mapping process ;)
alright, will send it to u later/tomorrow via pm
lol w0nd3r lol
no ideas no maps
QuoteScreenshots? :DD even if it's paint :((

image: baqmap

my map troololol
looks promising :DD
I've finished the first version of the terrain of my entry. Will need some more tweaks later on but the general stages are accessible. First and second stage objectives are also already in place just need some scripting and ofcourse detail work (in a few months). Third stage final objective is still in question, atleast what I had before didnt convince me.

But now Karneval and Skiing is coming up, soooo will contine end of March and April

p.s. I do not think publishing screenshots is within the rules of the contest? Atleast I suppose it is not wished
what is the map called?
no name yet
I quite like that name :)
Got ideas for 2 maps, one isnt rly perfect yet though and for the other one I don't know how the 2nd stage should look like.. Anyhow I don't even know a thing about mapping, so not sure whether I can finish one of these projects in time..
:o Actually wanted to try it myself, because I plan to do more maps in the future and need to learn it somehow.. Prize money isn't that important for me, so I don't mind if I can't finish in time.
But I might be willing to give one idea away, hv to think about that this week (if it's even good enough).
+ I bet sani or hukk are willing to help me quite a bit.
well good luck then ;p
image: RaUNd
image: 3496x6u

u can put boxes or cars at sides street to fight
Looks like Carentan from CoD 2.
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