DDR3 Clockspeeds

When the revision of the P67 chipset is offered soon, I'm planning to do the following upgrade:


But I have my doubts about the memory. Is it worth to buy (for a little bit extra money) some more memory with a higher clock speed. Some say you hardly wont notice, others show benchmarks that prove the opposite..


The specs of my mobo say this:

"4 x DIMM, Max. 32 GB, DDR3 2200(O.C.)*/2133(O.C.)/1866(O.C.)/1600/1333/1066 Non-ECC,Un-buffered Memory
Dual Channel memory architecture"

So I assume it will support the P8P67 1600. But the specs of my processor say this:

"Memory Types

Does this means its useless for me to buy DDR3-1600? Or is it worth to buy the DDR3-1600 instead of the DDR3-1333?

Or if anyone could advise a nice set which can be found here:


PS. This post is made for jetro, I would not waste my time with this shit
you don't need 12GB at all .. imo, get 8GB 1600Mhz CL8 RAM

http://tweakers.net/pricewatch/271292/corsair-vengeance-cmz8gx3m2a1600c9.html = decent ram (CL9 tho, but there's not much difference) :)
Never said I needed 12 GB. And what about 1600 MHz..? Won't my mobo automatically clock it down to 1333 MHz since that's the max my CPU will support<?
wrong reply? :)

Anyhow, you might aswell get 1600Mhz for future purposes - if ur mobo doesnt support 1600, it will just clock back down to 1333 ..
My mobo does support 1600 Mhz, just check the specs. It's the CPU I'm worried about.

if ur buying the new sandy bridge cpu's, you shouldnt be worrying about anything speed related :)
it rly doesnt matter what ur cpu supports. If your cpu supports 1333 and you got 1600, its like 8 line freeway where only 6 lines are used. At your situation i would buy 1333 mems with low Cas latency :) (CL= delay that is between the moment your m-controler access to mem. module and the moment when the data is sent from I/O pins). if money isnt issue, buy 1600 with low CL. dont buy 1600 mhz memory with shit CL.

edit: and yeah 6 or 8 GB's are more than enough. my 6 gb's are never used over 40-50 %
Had the same discussion with jetro, your motherboard will probably automatically tune it down to the first compatible speed (unless you decide to do some serious OCing).
ask zenix, he master :))
if your processor doesn't support 1600 then i wouldn't expect you to buy 1600 !
Yet 90 % of the CPU's doesn't go any higher than 1333 MHz. Lots of companies produce DDR3-1600MHz (and higher) and lots of people find the need to buy RAM like this.

That's pretty curious if you ask me :G
well imo its logical since ppl buy crap apple computers with 60% overprice :) ~8 years ago its was all about cpu "mhz" with "higher mhz, better cpu".. now it goes with memory, big mhz numbers sell to normal users. They dont worry anything about how much cpu can handle or whats ur MB's FSB speed. if you get 2500 mhz memory with 40$ and 1333 mhz DDR with 25 dollars, they will buy that 2500 mhz just because "lol it has over 1000 mhz more with only 15$ more"
Antwoord niet op mijn crossfire/tweakers-PM's :<
hij was gister nog op xfire. maar idd hij is er al ff niet.. kzal wel aan rezta vragen :O)
buy a full ATX case not a micro one
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