League of Lolgends

To those who play League of Legends:

- what is it about LoL you like?
- what is it about Dota/HoN you don't like?
- do you follow competitive LoL (such as the tournament @ IEM)
cuz i like zeh gameplay.
dota- idk hon why should i pay for that shit game
yes ofc wacthing livestreams at school JWZ
nice excuse to call hon shit game
seriously, this game just requires a lot more than LoL (for example denying), u have to buy stone for recalling to base, other champs can support u with health pots etc (inb4 that u have useless heal and clarity for 4/5 champions)

so dont call hon shit game, maybe im lol player but i admit that hon requires moar skill than lol, thats why i chose lol, im even 2lazy2think in this easy game -.-
buying recall stones rly require lot of skill
where did i use word "skill"?
why should i pay for a game if i can get it also for free
how can you compare lol to hon, still i cant understand
you can play dota for free on garena, your point being?
u dont have to pay for dota u idiot
1) easier than hon
2) not so easy like lol
3) only wickd/hotshot streams, rest are fucking boring to wait 3h for proper match
What he said.
this game fucked up some of my efriends

they all mad now and dunt wanna paly ET wit me animor :(
fucked up is such a harsh word.. :'D
HoN > LoL

doing them quad kills with archer eZ
say thx to mighty tempest \o/
50% wins, beat that
that's like saying aim > obj in ET
aim > obj in ET
- hon = pay game = sux, free game = fun => easier gameplay itself (denying beaming back etc.)
- lol currently lacks of server stability => wating queue on evneings
- weekly changing free heros are nice, but paying loads of ingame money for them (hi blitzcrank) aint that nice on the othe hand. not even mentioning buying expensive runes to get some advantage
- real money for e(x)p boosts and heros (voluntary but still) - taking ages to get up a lvl, to spend a new mastery point.
- planned to watch some games of IEM
It s free! -.-
Hon > LoL
LoL is easy
dota/hon nope
nope, just random matches
lol and hon are both shit get wc3 + tft and play the real game.
1. Fast paced and gank orientated (rank 30), Community has a huge input on the nerfing or powering of characters eg rammus + renekton

2. I don't mind hon but the community is awfull and the game has far too many balance issues which time and time again failed to get fixed.

3. I enjoy watching any game competative yet lol doesn't publicise the highskill scene as well as hon does which is a shame as the cash prizes are mindblowing and the micro is sick :D http://www.youtube.com/user/RiotGamesInc#p/u/10/2OSiUo79WKo

Wakizashiuk if you want to add me <3
there are a lot of games that take a little while to get completely balanced so im sure it will take a while but should get balanced also im sure LoL isnt 100% balanced either but tbh im not really sure never played just my opinion on balancing issues
Very true but having both games im completly non biased. Lol really trys hard to nail new characters on release where HoN just doesn't care, every new hero comes out op and is insta win till the patch it a month later.
easy mode of easy mode hon
HoN is far better than LoL
lol more team based.
HoN community sucks+cba to pay for a game.
watched all esl NA games yesterday
Quotelol more team based.

image: retard-owls
lol teambased? Well that was the best joke that ive ever heard :DD
I played LoL a few times, dunno if they were noobs i was playing with but hey it was soo easy & boring. I dont even know if there are ultis like in HoN of tempest etc. etc. Oh man..
ofc they were noobs prolly playing for the first time like u without any dota/hon experience-
Mhm No no it weren't some randoms.. Some dutchtards who nerd this game 24/7 (sensa & co ) dunno what level they were..
LoL is for people who are to bored or to dumb to deal with some serious competition.Also I agree that HoN is way harder.

HoN > Dota >>>>>>>> LoL
I like LoL coz it's kinda easy to play
I never tried HoN or Dota so cannot say if they are shit or not, and I don't like people who call LoL shit if they never tried it ^^
only a tiny, not mentionworthy bit
LoL is shit, but i played it? You still dont like me now? :(
Well if you don't like it after trying it's your opinion, and I respect opinions ;p
Obviously easy compared to HoN/Dota + its free

Didnt try dota or hon yet..

Watched some own3d.tv streams of skaft and hotshot + quadrakill series
had Hon trial, damn it was fun with 2 friends
skillwise DotA > HoN > LoL

i like HoN the most
Here we go again...
shit games
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