Which new MMORPG

I'am getting bored since I quit ET
So i got in the mood for playing some new MMORPG and NO WOW[/u]. (:

I was thinking about:

Guild Wars





which would you choose, and why?

PS: or any other good suggestions?
World of warcraft
was searching the gif of the black gay saying: didnt read lol, or smtn like that

i failed :<
Rift if you dont mind to pay 12$ subscription per month, but I think its worth it :)
he dont mind i guess since he asked for aion
dunno if/how much you have to pay there since I never played it :)
u have and now sure how much but its basicly the same on all this games.. maybe one $ more or less
League of Legends.

Must be something among that.

Not guild wars. It's shit by now.
jeah rather wait for gw2 ^^
random "duke nukem forever jokes" dont work with that anymore :(
guild wars definitely
When was the last time you played it?

It's not as good as it used to be, and nowhere near as amazing as it was in the beginning.
i am playing it everyday mate
guild wars 2 soon, and diablo 3

edit: playing gw now with chizz6l and yuno to get ready for gw2 (your hall of monuments gives you items). It's a fun game, but it get's boring after awhile, especially if you are into pve and like to collect great items (which you craft in gw, they dont drop).
I enjoy WoW alot more, but gw has its merits. Gw2 however is starting to look really great, so you should wait for that!
And whats Better in ur oppinion guildwars or diablo 3
When are the release date of these 2 games?

Thx for the info anyway
I dno, they arent released yet ;D
I plan on getting both, abit more excited for gw2 because its more mmorpg (the artwork is epic, i even saved the first art trailer to my hd) while diablo3 will prolly be more hack n slash like its predecessor
why did you quit ET if you're still geeking ?
Aion shit game

rune fucking scape
Dungeons and Dragons Online great game if u played bg, id, nwn or da before u should be happy with that game too
i used to play alot of PvP in guildwars, was pretty good.
It started to get less interesting with all the expansions tho.
I enjoyed some of the pve also.

Can't say anything about aion as I've never played it.
Aion = Quest till lvl 20 then grindgrindgrindgrindgrindgrindgrindgrind
oh and did i mention grind?
Everquest 2 is free! =)
cool, always wanted to try that game
Never play LOL. Hmm you can try Silkroad. Its free and has one of the best grahpics u can find. Also action and quest/grind and son on. Fun game tbh.
Except for the 99% of the players are bots and it takes 2 hours to login
Not anymore. U can login anytime. No waiting anymore. Bots have been banned. Its not like it used to be.
They always say bots have been banned but it still takes 2 hours to log in
No. Go check it. Servers are half-empty and nomore bots (mostly bots you must buy for your character). And if you dont like waiting you can buy silk and get premium ;)
Same here :DD they banned my account just after i got +7 on my glavie , so mad back then
I had sosun gear and just before i got banned got such a rare drop

image: SRO2007-03-2412-27-25_23

omg would have made a nice few mill from that :DD
Runes Of Magic till GW 2 comes out
all same shit!
Lord of the rings online! It's free!
Just wait DotA 2 or play Runes of Magic
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