N.Portman - Deserved Oscar!


i've just checked the oscar winners. i'm abit sad that inception hasn't won more.
i dont know what this shit The King's Speech is ..

but i am very happy that Natalie Portman won an oscar for her great job in
The BlackSwan. it's shit ballet bla, but it's about pushing yourself too much and
paranoia .. she's doing it welL! ..

and oh, there is even an lesbian scene with her.. is that real or how did
they fake that?

you can check about what i'm talkin about image: natalie-portman-mila-kunis-black-swan-lesbian-scene-cap-05

and i'd like to take this opportunity to promote my music again.

check it here: tEiS ossom music!
its fake, i heared they hired 2 pornstars
funny .. how come the one who licks looks exactly as mila kunas or how the ho is called? :D
They hired you and PDS doooooooh! big dicks OFC!
there's a reason why inception only won those oscars
Average american didnt get it.
see you're wrong there :D

the oscars it won are the only ones it deserves, as the story was extremely simple, but it just came wrapped up in a neat little package, so that people could feel smart because they understand such a "complicated" movie

Too bad shutter island wasn't nominated :S
yup, shutter island was really nice
so. you're saying that the movie was simple.
well then tell me, mr.antismartass, was he back in reality or not.
or was he stuck there forever and thought he was in reality when he made
these inception moves? hmm ??? .. chris nolan left it open .. you won't
notice what actually is going on... rumours say that he could've even been in coma.
but that's just smartass talkin .. :)

and shutter island .. for me, the same thing. i like both movies alot!
there's no guarantee as to his whereabouts at the end of the movie, because as you said before, he left it open, also, cba writing about all the deceptions (just look at what i did there man, it's so beautiful) about this movie, so if you really want to know about it, just go check some negative reviews about it
FEiS awesome music
herp derp, the kings speech - no popcorn movie, must be bad
the kings speech got nominated soooo fckn often eventho it was shit
imo Colin Firth did a great job and deserved the oscar. But all the others... yea...
As a fellow stutterer I liked The king's speech, but Inception was just better. Also what's with Nolan not even nominated for best director?
yea good question .. nolan not even being nominated :( ..

and well, as another dude said.. oscar for best acting, ok. but the rest?
for kings speech ..
hey nice music FEiS
I thought overall the oscars this year was a very poor "event" as a whole.

Deserved awards for Portman, Firth and Bale. Disappointed that H.Steinfield didn't win as I thought her performance in True Grit for a youngster was brilliant.

In regards to Inception, I am quite surprised it didn't win more awards generally through the awards season, especially in the original score category, and not even a nomination for editing... wtf is that about really!

Oh and Christian Bale... what a man!
i haven't seen The Fighter, yet. just got it an hour ago. gonna watch it.
i'm abit happy he won an oscar :) .. terminator4 was like not his best choice to act for.

and yea, nice mentioning the score. i'm like listening to it once a day.
hans zimmer is a fuckin great score composer. check out his history. he started in some
punk/rock/pop band as a keyboard player and then made it to the best score composer of all time :) .. ok not the best, but one of the best. the one with the most music output i'd say.

i haven't seen True Grit yet. i might pass that movie.. not interested in western shit :)
True Grit is a remake and I don't usually say this about remakes but I thought it is much better then the original.

And deffo about Zimmer, 'Dream is Collapsing' is a great piece which really should get more attention, but its bollocks mainstream and the Oscar panel who get paid to vote for shit things in shit categories. Ok, I liked the Social Network, but anybody could pair songs to that, and most of them were remakes of songs, not original ones like Inception!
i'll check out true grit someday, then. i've read that it doesn't reach the original or more
that it sucks ass. about zimmer, he's mainstream or did i misunderstood something!?
yeah, 'dream is collapsing' <3 .. also 'dream within a dream' and 'time' are my favs.

ofcourse it's all original but zimmer got very inspired by "non, je ne regrette rien" by edith piaf as it seems. but still, a really massive score.
people don't seem to understand the music. it fit's the movie excellent. ah well..

and i just read that social fagwork won the golden globe for musical score? what the fuck is going on??? :D

i won't even watch social fagwork.. not worth enough for me.
you should watch the social network.

i hate facebook, and i thought the movie was really good
ok, will do someday
I mean't the Oscars panel being all about mainstream, sorry!

The social network, yeah, it did, it's crazy. All remakes of songs during the film! Although the film itself is worth a watch, I dont think it was award worthy!
oh ok. that's how it is with mainstreams :(

about fakebook movie .. i mean, hey. why haven't they made a movie
about the youtube guys, or about the google guys? who gives a fuck about
a dude who earned fuckin millions with his social community web system?

OR .. is it about some more infos, about more stuff than juts that fuckhead?

i hate fakebook .. for it's stasi methods and other stuff. so sorry for my anger :P
It's not about pushing yourself too far. She's having a psychosis :D. But def a deserved oscar :) should've won best movie too.
Agree! Either Black Swan or The Fighter for me!
Haven't seen it. Should I?
The Fighter? Yeah, it's really good. Mark Wahlberg is really good and Christian Bale is even better, has a strong script and good direction. I was quite surprised Wahlberg was overlooked for many of the best actor awards
she has a psychosis ?? .. this came becus she was the star all of a sudden and becus her
mother pushed her and then she even pushed her self alot more .. maybe the psychosis came from that.. dunno :)

but the movie was good, yes.. i <3 her in that movie :)
she is beautiful and jewish
portman is jewish?
the king's speech was a great movie
and that is the opinion of most people since its been winning all the awards leading up to the oscars :P so its definately not shit tbh
that's like making a movie about somebody having tourret syndrome .. eh!?
but i'll check it out someday.. if i feel like it.

last year avatar should've won all but no, cameron's ex bitch won it all, with some
movie about fags disarming bombs .. great!
trust me, its not boring :P
ok mate..

gonna watch it as soon as it's out on dvd .. but The Fighter has higher priority :P
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