wc3 enfo

as title says, need some cool enfo maps. we have some from epicwar, but almost all are the same, with little changes.
need one with alot of new chars. thanks
try Cavern of Chaos, you need few friends to play it and it isnt the easiest map but its just awesome.
we are only 2 :P
i can play, using garena?
we can, but alps and me would like to play all togheter, so in the same team or so :D
and ye, over garena, but we have 1.18 patch :o
we can, but alps and me would like to play all togheter, so in the same team or so :D
over garena, but we have 1.18 patch :o
well yeah, didn't install any patch, cuz didn't have proper crack to them, and we were lazy :o)
toljatok valami Black road rpg-t , vagy Defiance's orpg
2en azt jó ?
mind2vel ellehet lenni órákat a THe black road az sokkal komolyabb és igényesebb meg sztem geci jó móka is. A defiance az inkább ilyen teamplayen alapszik és hát sztem legalább 3 player , de 2en is lehet csak akkor ilyen imba pickeket kell hozni amik a custom hero shopokban vannak.

Ha tudtok még 1-2 embert szerezni akkor Defiance , ha nem akkor Black road :)
majd sztem kipróbáljuk mind2őt, ha rá tudom venni :D

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