Chelsea vs Manchester United

Seemed to have missed all the United fans journals on how amazing they are?

image: david-luiz_1824392c

United may be complaining about the penalty etc, but did anyone see the perfectly fine goal that was disallowed?

Also love how Alex Ferguson has memory lapses after games like these and blasts the referee for mistakes after the game :)

Just waiting for Liverpool to dick you cunts on Sunday now.

image: Luis+Suarez+Liverpool+v+Stoke+City+Premier+8sgMMj40lhil
what disallowed goal are you talking of? :o

e: just checked the video :D didn't see the start of the game.
Check the link I placed in there mate.

EDIT: Oh you!
i see, missed that as i didn't see the game from the start. I was still more supporting united than chelsea tho :d
I thought I liked you! :)
:( i'm not a fan of any team to be exact. I'm more of a fan of the league.
and besides, Vidic was sent off in the end anyway :D
He was indeed. Didn't really make change to the outcome though.

Ferguson won't allow that referee to take charge of one of Uniteds games again!
well Vidic is going to miss the game at Anfield now :D and having the vidic/ferdinand ruled out, they don't look very strong in the back. Suarez going to roll.
Haha I hope so, people aren't sure whether Ferdinand is definately out yet though, I don't think Ferguson has confirmed either way :D
He has confirmed Ferdinand won't play, and remember Evra hobbled off last night too - They're without Evra, Ferdinand and Vidic and Andy Carroll will be making his Liverpool debut!
So happy about it to be honest! Andy Carroll will roll Evans/Brown & Smalling :)
well, have you checked it yourself? david luiz fouled united defender.
I sincerely hope you are attempting to shit me?
just say straight what you think is wrong, and not some "are you kidding me". the commentator said it was a foul. i saw david luiz pushing united's defender. then what is your argument?
O'Shea had a hold of David Luiz' arm. Luiz was trying to get free.

Are you kidding me?

image: Wayne-Rooney-appears-to-c-007

What a prick!
I'm glad you brought up the disallowed goal at the start because I was pretty annoyed at how that didn't get listed as one of the mistakes that balanced our Luiz not getting sent off. End of the day, Chelsea have had horrendous luck for the past 3 months (coupled with playing shite) perhaps this is our piece of good fortune!

Still can't see us winning the league though and don't think the Chelsea fans should be building any expectations of such a thing. Even if we beat united at Old Trafford it'd still require them losing 3 other matches...not going to happen :( The target should be to get 2nd/3rd so we don't have to go through Champs League qualification round if we finish 4th.
Well to be honest I am an Arsenal fan, living in hope that we are not mentally scarred about the Carling Cup :S but I fear they will be...

Arsenal will most likely collapse for the season if they get trounced by Barca in the Camp Nou but you never know!

Don't think you can win the league, but City will definately drop some easy points and I even see Arsenal doing the same, and they will do every season until they spend some money :(

I can't stand Ferguson!
Dont use "we".

You, as a gaming nerd, cant do anything. London Chealsea gets 2nd or 3rd.
If we don't spend money on the clubs (shirts, tickets etc) then the club goes away, so we are apart of the club!
Not rly. Fans contribution to the club's income is so low compared to the sponsors.
Corrected it.
No you didn't - you're still wrong
"Sure I am"
you are you fucking retard, why is it everytime i see your fucking name your taling shit? the marketing regarding fans is huge.
shut the fuck up already. Do not want immigrant's opinions.
haha im an immigrant making 1300 pounds a month from working 110 hours a month, im loving life, what you doing? cleaning your mums toes? but if you wanna get personal im game you little rat, ive never seen anyone be so wrong so many times.
Arsenal make 2 million pounds per home match, of which they play 18 in the league and perhaps another 10 in other competitions. Theres 56 million pounds, their shirt sponsorship with emirates is not worth that much.

The only correct answer would have been "TV Revenue"

Thanks for playing!
i never get this hate over using "we" instead of the club...
Because the players who actually make it happen can tell that "we" can do it.

Not some gaming nerd lol :D
sure random
you have nothing better to say :D?
Like you have ever said anything better or useful even
hahaha but on topic

why do you think if you're a 'loyal' fan you can't say we when talking about your team.
that's just absolutely retarded (no offense I guess if that's ur way)
your too stupid to explain it to you. Now go away. Stop bugging me random fakenicker.
I got my answer in your replies below! Now I know what level you are on :D haha
Sure random. Go back to jaymod
Even more proof :D quit while you have atleast a little bit of dignity..

oh and what's wrong with Jaymod? Are these players 'less' than u?
I prefer nq. I have more dignity than you can ever wish for.
right :P keep believing that and all will be good ;)
if you are supporting the club you can say "we".

i guess ur not supporting any club are you?
football is quite boring. Only playoffs in tournaments are interesting.
if you support a club, it aint boring.

but i got my answer, thank you.
I didnt give you my answer. I support 2 clubs and follow their lineup and their games.
Wardi has spoken! Gospil son, united fans are all the same. So hard done by! Never get the rub of the green..

Shame your an arsenal fan tho fella!

Eh, I still love Shawcross! And Huth is the king in my dreamteam :D
Wrong, United fans are NOT all the same at all, that was a great game to watch last night for a change, the sending off was correct in my eyes but Chelsea should also have had that curly permed cunt with a big nose sent off.

Looking forward to beating the scouse cunts sunday now, cannot wait for gerrard to kiss the camera again lol.
yes scoring after the ref blows the whistle shouldnt be a disallowed goal and yes luis should be on the pitch and yes the game would have continued the same way and chelsea would have got the penalty.
scoring when the referee blew 2 seconds before he took the shot and everyone stopped moving is considered as a goal?

ref was absolute shite and biased, made inconsistent decision and let luiz off the hook 2 times, should have gotten a yellow card for barging chicharito and another for tackling rooney, he's a lucky boy, you could see how he instantly tried to pull rooney up and see if he is OK and 5minutes later he was subbed.

nani's shot which was handled by terry was more of a penalty than smalling's "challenge", the chelsea player just ran into his foot and went down dramatically, wow.

manu dominated the first half and chelsea dominated the second half, lady luck (ref) was on their side luckily and they got the result, as always at stanford bridge, i cannot see how they are in the title race again, did they win 15 points from this match? lol

Final standings will still be Man utd, arsenal, chelsea, tottenham, city, liverpool, sunderland, newcastle, bolton.

arsenal will just crumbel and choke themselves, they never manage to take an advantage, chelsea are too far away and same applies to the rest of the teams.
well said.
Manchester United fans whine > all

image: crybaby2
read this and hoped it would be about the ritz. LET ME DOWN WARDI
care , United still leading with 4 points...also today it's 20 years of Ryan Giggs in a United shirt!

image: 189588_10150102792247746_7724542745_6900698_1928285_n
<3 giggs to be honest.
i remember his goal against Arsenal 99, when my dad zapped channels and there was a review of this game and giggs started his dribbling through the whole field .. just <3
Even though that was against us, it was epic. He is an epic player.
well , still nice to see that even a gunner mentioned that :)
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