First of all, I'd better introduce myself even if most of you know me as Le Francis. I played in many european teams as a leader in game (not really on a top level but I know how to lead a team). I shoutcasted many EC, NC or EMS matchs and the ET scene has no real secret for me. So, I certainly know who must be in my team to be very competitive against top teams. But well, let me now answer to this main question :
Why should I be YOUR captain?
My answer is because I am responsible and capable of organizing that french team. Concerning the other CB requirements about being mature and skilled enough. I'd say my behaviour is sometimes childish but my attention is not to hurt people's feelings and I can be serious when I have to be (evidenced by my shoutcasts or my 2 or 3 CB coverage news). About my skill now I don't think it's important in my case since I don't plan to play this NC but only to lead this french team.
What can you expect from me?
About the coverage, you'll know everything about each player, about the team and the competition in general. Since I am able to get attention for anything I could easily get attention for the french team. I am very close to the community and I'll answer to any questions as I always did as a shoutcaster. I'll provide you a good looking team with a 100% competitive and clean lineup. I never played with cheaters I don't know why I would start with this team. The last french captain did a pretty good work and managed to get his team to a top level. I obviously want to do better and maybe reach the final who knows? Moreover, I'll do my best not to disappoint you and to meet your expectations.
Feel free to contact me on CB or on CF "LeFrancis" if you have any questions. Thanks for reading!
If you really want to enjoy this Nations Cup, voting for me is a simple formality!
omgomg sc2 omgomg
omgomg baserace between sjow+squirtle
First of all, I'd better introduce myself even if most of you know me as Le Francis. I played in many european teams as a leader in game (not really on a top level but I know how to lead a team). I shoutcasted many EC, NC or EMS matchs and the ET scene has no real secret for me. So, I certainly know who must be in my team to be very competitive against top teams. But well, let me now answer to this main question :
Why should I be YOUR captain?
My answer is because I am responsible and capable of organizing that french team. Concerning the other CB requirements about being mature and skilled enough. I'd say my behaviour is sometimes childish but my attention is not to hurt people's feelings and I can be serious when I have to be (evidenced by my shoutcasts or my 2 or 3 CB coverage news). About my skill now I don't think it's important in my case since I don't plan to play this NC but only to lead this french team.
What can you expect from me?
About the coverage, you'll know everything about each player, about the team and the competition in general. Since I am able to get attention for anything I could easily get attention for the french team. I am very close to the community and I'll answer to any questions as I always did as a shoutcaster. I'll provide you a good looking team with a 100% competitive and clean lineup. I never played with cheaters I don't know why I would start with this team. The last french captain did a pretty good work and managed to get his team to a top level. I obviously want to do better and maybe reach the final who knows? Moreover, I'll do my best not to disappoint you and to meet your expectations.
Feel free to contact me on CB or on CF "LeFrancis" if you have any questions. Thanks for reading!
If you really want to enjoy this Nations Cup, voting for me is a simple formality!
becouse poland is the best ;] i cant wait for poland vs finland ;]
will be np for finland if
olbaa,ensam,sample,squall,matias plays