schnee's good morning #11 v2

Good morning peepz =)
After long time (and some requests) i decided to make a morning journal yeah!
Yesterday I finally got my new contract at my job now I have an unlimited contract and bit more money. So im happy and will party hard at weekend =)

Questions of the day:
Do you have dreams (not the wet ones)? Yes, not when I’m drunken
Which was the most crazy one?? Yesterday I tried to kill Hitler in his bunker but it didn’t work. Then I inflamed me as they came to get me. I pressed self kill and waited for respawn. I woke up :)

Song: <3

Pic :image: p725ue6l7d5

Shoutout 2 my buddies, flooo,olbaAaaA, m!das, snuble, alan! the girls <3
Did you selfkill into full? :o
dont know i woke up!
watch the spawntimer more closely next time!

yes I have a lot of dreams and they r always connected with reality. Sometimes i got nightmares about exams sometime i dream about those what happened in last week :)

girl on pic looks like my school friend

Yes I have dreams and I even got the abillity to control them :)
I don't remember any crazy dream atm ;o
you know when you're dreaming and have the ability to control them, and don't remember any crazy stuff? :D
Yeah bcoz I didn't have a crazy dream for a veeeeeeeery long time :)
barely. tho i do notice that sometimes i have a dream i dont like, and at some point i notice that its just a dream and that i can wake up to end it, and then i wake up x]
Tonight, I saw a dream that I bought a sports car "nugget" and it was fabilous, really fast, strong and super nice acceleration. Then I woke up and were thinking, wtf is "nugget"
congratulations for the contract!

Having dreams about Wolfenstein (2009)... sounds wierd o.O
...if it was at least about ET it would be fine;D
hey sweety c8

Q: Do you have dreams (not the wet ones)?
A: Yeah, from time to time

Q: Which was the most crazy one??
A: Well, probably I do not remembert the craziest one. I remember that I had a dream about death (you know this person with black cap and scythe) and I was completly calm, just sitting in front of him (?) and I've shown him my middle finger (just to let him know he's shit)

Congrats with your new contract :)

woke @ 6:30 today. haven't woke up that early in 2 months. my head is still pounding:)) went to class, then the the pub, then here. awesome

my craziest dream? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. i was dreaming some shit and then the next morning saw a guy on the street that looked very similar to the guy from my dream. but that was like a year ago so don't remember it pretty good, but was definitely weird seeing that guy smoking on the street. reaction was: ?? THE FUCK?? ROFL??!! :)))

gratz on the contract :)
Cant think of the craziest dream but scary dreams freak the shit out of me (especially the ones with a young, pale & dead girl :D).
just woke up, crazy dream: stole a new SLR
naaaaaaaaaais, 2bad only a dream :)
I dont always remember my dreams, but sometimes I wake up in a state of mindfuck. As if I've been dreaming of things beyond my comprehension. funniez feeling.
goooooooood moooooooooooooorning!

yes I do have dreams
mostly stuff that doesnt make sense. or I dream about I have to be somewhere but I just can't get ready to leave xD
oh, worst is when you dream you fall and you wake up! :D
Actually I like the moment you wake up.
Two days ago I dreamt that VfB Stuttgart lost 4:0. :(

Otherwise I have very weird dreams, almost surrealistic, although they're almost always involving people I know.
Then again I sometimes have dreams (not wet ones ;)) of random women in random situations.
no dream it is, the future you see ;D
I'm a psychic then! Might rather the women part become true.
i know i had a stupid dream last night.but cant remember it now :D
i always dream i have sex with milla jovovich, but everytime i insert my dick into her pussy i wake up...

image: fuuuuuuuuuuuu_This_Shit_Ruined_My_Day-s516x399-70813-580
my dreams are like inception ;)
you're dream is the most epic one known :D (I know one better but that's private ^.^)

and gratz with your contract of course =D
gratz with the contract girl :D

about the dreams i had one just a minute ago as i just woke up :D but got no freaking idea what was it about :P

other thing to say is that im going to Rome for a weekend :D so also gonna party hard ^^
ohhh roommmeeee :o

its awesome there, what hotel u staying at? :o
dont remember the name but somewhere in the center of rome
coming to rome? my couch is free
thought so, close to the trevi fountains? (one of the nicest parts in rome imo)
good afternoon

sometimes i have dreams yea

most crazy one, dont remember ;)
I do have dreams but I don't enjoy them :<
i always dream, never remember a god damn thing though
Most crazy one was like me against the world, fighting an incredible battle including epicness of chuck norris and bruce lee ninja moves :D. Unfortunatly I woke up before the battle was finished.
I don't recall having dreams, I go to sleep, I get up. In between I dunno what bum is awfully tender today though.
Man träumt während der REM-Phase ständig:
image: 728px-Schlafstadien_einer_nacht.svg
Last night I dreamt that some blonde German chick wanted to kill me but it didn't work and when my people were about to catch her she set herself ablaze.
Wauw!...Cool story chick!
we met in dream!
I dreamt that i was a dog in a circus :( And I had to do a crazy show on a ball.. Was special. :D
Btw.. gratz for your contract!

Héhéhé i'm leaving for London tomorrow, can't wait, it's gonna be awsum!
london is so nice for shopping n stuff :x
have a lot of fun there!!
hi BEAST =)
hello, waddup?
nothing much! but sun is shining its so nice outside :)))
good mornig
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