LoL so nise game

I downloaded this last weekend and I've been busy playing it with a couple of friends. Didn't have much expectations as I briefly tried DotA a few years back and didn't quite get it, but this turned out to be a lot cooler than I thought.

I'm not generally a friend of RTS games (if you could call it that), but this type of gameplay is very nice - it's probably the not having to micromanage dozens of units -part. Also the team-based PvP gameplay is nice, unless your team sucks dicks like it often does. When some retard has fed that enemy Akali to hell before you hit level 10 there's not much you can do except trying to catch those lonesome enemies.

image: Vw7Ta
play dotA >.>
I don't have WC3 and I heard the DotA community is pretty much full of twelve-year old egoquitters and also has had some virus problems.
pirate wc3, download garena, join dotaroom, play.
DL WC3 for free and the dota-community is 25 mill people so that seems to be one helluva generalization for a game which has been out for longer than ET. Due to the vast amount of players combined with how old the game is, makes the scene 410418 times harder than any other game.

It takes most people about a year(of playing a lot) to get to being low-skilled in CW's. When you dominate every single public game and you are known by everybody in your country then you are low-.

Peace out playa, praise to kumar and barney.
Hmm, you're right. Making decisions based on intuitions is always a sign of bad FBI agents.
any other game... besides starcraft:BW you mean.
yes BW counts too
also dota ain't that hard
Do you play wars? Dota-pub is really easy like I said when you dominate every single pub game then you have reached low- skill.
i haven't played in ages but when i did i played it pretty casually and could play IHCS2 with little effort. think you're exagerrating the skill curve really, when you dominate every pub game you're way better than low- or whatever. depends on where you play aswell i guess.
Dota in pub is easy as it removes 90% of the game which is the tactics and strategy part. It is easy to get 120 cs every 20 mins in pub if you have a friend in your lane but to do the same in wars and at the same time winning the other lanes is hard.

Though DotA is only truly hard if you are the captain of your team who needs to know the ins and outs. Well even for the players it is hard at HS.
i don't need you to explain a public game to me since as I said I played IHCS.
Tldr hehe
play SC2 >.>
teach me, i just installed
u seri0us or?
which race are you then "? :P:P:P:
how should i know, i seriously just installed it :P
Psst, I heard terran is seriously overpowered.
thats why there are 4(?) zergs out of six players in the semi-finals in IEM ;D
oke here you come in the highst legue possible

- Mine 200 minerals
- Make a spawning pool (> click on your worker then B+S)
- Press on your main building click SZSZSZ, send the creatures which spawn soon to your enemy base
- won the game

repeat 1000 times > become highste legue possible, sell coaching lessons 50 € / h because you are a Master legue player with more then 2.5k points
Or you switch to terran and do SCV marine all ins, either way..
cheese taktik , will work till ~ gold

I prefer tanks :D
Im pretty sure you can't 6pool your way into masters (unless your ActionJesuz). :P
Moet je niet uit zijn :c?
wou niemand mee op deze casual thursday :(
Hatelijk is dat hè
RTS games don't really appeal to me for some reason. On the other hand turn-based strategy games such as Civilization are cool.

It's probably because real-time strategies are actually not strategy games but all about tactics and who clicks the fastest.

E: Before you hit me, the above doesn't concern games like Supreme Commander.
Honestly, it was kinda the same for me, i usually played turn-based singleplayer games over RTS, but SC2 feels somehow different from the most RTS games (mainly C&C's), you relay some much more on scouting your opponent and decision making, happens quite often you win over a player who has way better mechanics (faster clicking) by pure gamesense (which i personally relay way more on because my own mechanics are quite bad.

If you are giving any RTS a chance, let it be starcraft 2
Well, that might be. If I ever get my hands on the legit game, I'll give the multiplayer a shot. I just have a feeling I'm going to suck hard if I do - I played Warcraft 3 multiplayer a few times and all the micro- and macromanaging got my head dizzy. The opponent kept on winning every single fight against my units because he could handle the micro-scale stuff of moving low-health units behind the high-health units and I couldn't..

I wish that mechanic was automatic so the games would be more concentrated on strategies and tactics, such as baiting your enemy with a small group of units and then flanking them with a fuckton of units instead of telling single idiot marines to move away from the firefight if they are about to die. But well, it's just lack of practise :-)
As WC3 is micro-intensive, so is SC2 macro-intensive, more base oriented. This is the first RTS is ever played online and i really enjoy it. I was to scared to play my first legue matches but computer AI's are actually good training partners for when you start (Beating a very hard computer is equally to the lower legues).

:P nice you bring that example up because that is exactly what you need to be able to do in some situation, for instance, a zerg army isn't as strong as a protoss army with the same food count, the zerg needs a better army position (baiting the protoss army and flank it with air units to kill the damage dealers of the protoss army).

Mainly you pick a strategy which fits you the most, you can pick more micro-oriented strategy's (Units with teleport, you teleport the units which toke damage back to the back of the army so they can regenerate shield) or more macro-oriented strategy (playing passively expanding, make sure you have more units then you opponent because your economy is more stable so you can beat him straight up)

Cant deny it involves some micromangement but if you lack it, it wont kill the game for you. (Altho you might get a wrong impressions of the lower legues since it can be pretty random)
no prob, revee kevin and demented can show u the ropes
Wakizashiuk add me and i'll pro you up the g5 way. No lie i am shit hot.
tryed hybrid TF btw, kinda kicks ass =D
Parent This build is only for under level 30. When you start playing ranked let me know and i'll give you my bad boy AP build which face rolls everyone :P
0 kills with tf in ranked games, BAD boy build ;)
Check items, damage and my towers felled. Clarity + clairvoyance for lane dominance and lock in gold cards with wild cards for team fights. It's the perfect build :P
2 turrets? And dont pick Clarity since you have the blue card, CV is pretty much useless.
Ghost/port is way better for harrasing them
Oops didn't mean clarity meant teleport/clairvoyance
I'm still a noob :(
Downloaded the game last week end.

I'm not into RTS also but this game is kinda ok even if there are some stuff I don't really get!
kene qaa pelittelet? voisin itekki kokeilla sitä
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