IEM LoL journal

What a boring bullshit game.

I really cant think of any reason why people would play LoL instead of Dota or maybe even HoN.

And I played LoL myself and it felt such a cheap rip off of dota and it was so so boring lol :D And it is too much noobfriendly, nothing much you have to learn to be better than others.

Dota>>>HoN>>>>>>>>>>>>>every other bullshitgame >>>>> LoL
nobody cares
free and noobfriendly = great succes
HoN > Dota > LoL
Not really :D
Dota = Hon >>>>> loL
I like.
Ma praegu viimased 3 nädalat nolanud seda.Sitaks hea imo.
Õpi pigem DotA selgeks:D
üksinda mängin dotat või ? keegi ei mängi seda. Ma mänginud dotat ka polnud nii hea imo.
Ei mängi :D:D??

#dota.gc . Nüüd websitelt addimine. Lihtne kasutada ja skilled mängud. Siis on iCCcup, dotainvite ja sellised asjad :D:D

Dotat mängib rohkem inimesi kui LoL-i :D
hea troll oled ikka. Dotat võibolla mängiti rohkem aga enam kindlasti mitte , täna päeval on ikka hon ja lol
Ei :D LoL tundub et mängitakse rohkem, sest see ühes kohas koos kõik. Dotat pelatakse kindlasti rohkem kui LoL-i.

honi ja dota kohapealt ei oska midagi öelda
You just mad.

LoL is fine. I never tried dota or hon tho. No reason to try it when 10+ irl friends playing LoL so i stick with it.
Because you cant compare dota to LoL. And Lol isnt fine if you have played dota or even HoN
I enjoy playing LoL so its fine for me.
Lolil on ju eu ja us server ja pmst ainuke mis sitaks teeb on see ,et õhtuti on server full ja peab queues ootama aga ma olen endas kindel igatahes
HoN sucks , DotA is normal , LoL is awesome
LoL > dota anytime
LOL > hon
if LoL is so shit then why is it that almost always a LoL video is most watched gaming video on youtube :D?
youtube views doesnt make the game good lol :D:D

CS videos have more views than ET views, but still ET is way better game.
HoN players are just mad because they paid for a game whilst there is a similiar type of game that is free and even better :S

true about Dota being better though
all hon/dota players mad @ riot games for making a free copy of their game :Ppp
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