Is there a problem in games?

Reading some "" website and found this video.
shows pretty much the reason why I dont enjoy single player modes, EVEN if you'd have to do something, in the end its pretty boring due to low+ A.I.
that's just bullshit. In cod4 if you don't shoot, your teammates die and you fail. Easy games = best sellers?
the lower the threshold to pick up the game, the more appealing it is to the mainstream.
In the end it's all about money.
and the dumdumdumbediedum
lower the threshold and just copy the game to pc from console. Haven't downloaded demos in ages but now I try Crysis 2. Played it and it is fun, but you can see so much console stuff in that game.

When you lunch the game it says "press start to continue...". The mouse feels like in console and movement is the same. Sometimes I had a feeling that i'm playing Halo on xbox360 :D

Edit: There is autoaim IN PC VERSION :D
This is so wrong :D
yeah after seeing this video, I somehow got the urge to play this movi.. game.
I was being sarcastic :D though have to admit, it wasnt very obvious to spot.
No the singleplayer!
Got crysis 2 demo to on the best shit but nothing for me!:(
no, the games are fine, its the players that dont know what a good entertaining game is
how ppl that cannot accept the challenge call themselves GAMERS?
i was full of sarcasm


where is the challenge in not shoting even once and just walking around ? its pathetic and not brain stimulating .......
you didnt get my point.

in the past, games were challenging, it was a joy to play, gameplay was awesome.

now, games are way too easy, adjusted for casual gamers
now i see ur poiint sir and

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