Anyone watch cricket?

Anyone here watch cricket? The world cup is going on.

:D! go away amerifag
Hey man :(, I don't want problems.
cricket, lol

On the I-don't-give-a-fuck-O-meter cricket is on the same level as curling and sailing
Since your skilled in ET, everyone will now agree with your opinion.
I'm missing the connection "ET", "cricket" and "my opinion"

I just said the first thing that came up my mind, you don't have to agree... If you like cricket and you got posters on ur room of the biggest stars in the cricketscene I will be the last person on earth whining about it.

I just don't care about cricket and that has got nothing to do with ET
I am kidding mate :)
And I didn't say I liked cricket, I just asked if anyone was watching it.
ok, to answer ur question

i'm not :)

Have a nice day, mate :)

image: 1299256863
nigga u fo reel?
LOL the most boring sport!!
Slightly related, Wales hardcore joke band doing a cricket song

its booring:-(/
yeah fuck iem i was waiting whole year to watch cricket world cup
I rather watch paint dry.
yeah I'm a huge fan of India
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